Chapter 3: Blue Shot

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He dropped me off and I suddenly wished he hadn't. It was dark and creepy. The sound of the city could drown out someone screaming. Well don't I feel safe.

I was about a half a block away when I snapped my head to the left to the sound of a gun shot. A man with blue shot eyes stood there with a gun in his right hand and a dead body by his feet. I couldn't believe it, why the hell would anyone do that. He spotted me and I ran. I ran and didn't look back until I got into the bar. I stood behind the door for a moment and almost positive I saw the same man walk by the window 5 minutes later, but thankfully he didn't come in. Holy shit! I haven't even been here a three days and I'm already getting into trouble, damn.

What do I do? Do I call the police? I don't know who he is or who the guy is. I could describe the guy? Maybe when we drive back we will stop and I'll call the police?

I find Maya still kind of fucked up. I take her by the hand. I already called an Uber and I wasn't going outside until he was here. "Y/n I was having fun!" Oh I bet I laugh to myself. "It's time to go home." I'm not sure what's going through her head. "Ok mommy but tomorrow can we go to the zoo and eat ice cream!" Oh this poor girl I don't say anything and drag her to the car, thankfully this guy wasn't drunk.

We drove by the ally I don't dare get out of the car, but no one was there not even the dead body. I am definitely going to call the police in the morning.

We get home and it's about 2:15. I haul Maya inside. "But I wanted a unicorn!" I still don't know what the hell shes talking about. "Bitchesss ready to party!!" Oh lord. I sit her on her bed and she passes out cold. This girl is crazy and her heads going to hurt like hell in the morning.

I put her in her pajamas and cover her up with the blanket. Great now I'm a single mom. I close her door and get ready for bed.

I couldn't go to sleep it was like 3 in the morning! I kept thinking about what I saw. A man with blue shot eyes, chocolate brown hair, pale silk looking skin. The image replayed in my head over and over. I manage to fall asleep up woke not long after to something breaking like a vase or a glass. It was immediately followed by, "Jimin you idiot!" And then "Shut the hell up she can hear you." There's people in the house!

I realize it's normally RM who breaks everything but for this part it makes more since for Jimin.

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