Chapter 12: Manipulative

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I wake up realizing what the hell I just did. I don't normally do that but I am not sure what came over me. He's still sleeping and I say where I am. His warmth feels good honestly I don't care if he killed people right now. Damn that sounds wrong. I feel him wake up so I pretend to be asleep. He pets my head as I open my eyes. "Morning." He says. God his voice is like a magnet. sit up and find my clothes.

We land an hour later. We walk out and he doesn't blindfold me. I hated being blindfolded. We walk into a building, a big building. He brings me to a room with, well it more like a whole house inside a room. The building didn't look like a hotel, and there was nothing else around. Inside it had a kitchen, a living room, and two bed rooms. Each bed room had a bathroom. Am I staying with someone. If I am I hope it's Jungkook.

"This is your room." He says bringing me to one of the bedrooms. "The room over there is mine but I never sleep so I won't be in there often." He says turning to put his stuff in his room. He sure looked like he was sleeping earlier. I brush it off and go into my room. Damn it's big.

I haven't really seen Jungkook all day, I also haven't left the room all day. I have just been stuck in the room all day. To my luck Taehyung walks in the room. "I am just here to check up on you." He says. Well I guys not my luck but oh well. "I'm fine." I say. "He nods. "You would think you get lonely in here." He says. "Yeah tell me about it." I say as he walks out the door. He smiles and closes it.

I am sooooooooo bored.

~Taehyung POV ~

I walk out of y/n's room with a great idea. I head straight to Jungkook's office. I knock. "Come in." He yells. I walk in and sit down. "Yes Tae?" He looks a little busy but oh well.

"I have a suggestion now please don't be mad it's just a suggestion." I say. I pretty sure he won't get mad because i'm his favorite, his said in front of everyone. I have also known him the longest and stuck by his side since day one. "What if...What if we convinced y/n to become one of us. She's just in the room all by herself and you could spend more time with her." I say, he seems to be a little surprised by the last part.

"What makes you think I want to spend time with her?" He says all defensive.

"I know you better than all those other weirdos out there. You really like her. Plus she's a real fighter and very manipulative." I remark in a nice way.

"I give you my permission." I say letting him know it's ok.

*Rember Taehyung saying this. It will play a big part later in the book.*

He thinks about it then looks at me. "God Taehyung why do you always have to be right." He says laughing a little bit

I smile and stand up. "Maybe I should have been leader." I say jokingly.

"Watch it Tae." He says still joking around.

I hold my hands up and walk out. I love Kookie. He hates it when I call him that but I love it.


I finished Revenge for the fourth time. I probably know them all by heart. God it's boring. I decide to take a shower. I look for clothes first just in case there is none. But there is to my advantage. I take a pair of leggings and a loose comfortable shirt.

The warmth water reminded me of Jungkook's body. His chocolate hair. His soft pale kissed skin. His full lips. His death starring eyes. Him in general everything. I honestly wanted to get to know him for him. Not some stuck up bastard that I know he's not.

I jump out and the steam feels good. It sticks to the mirror and you can't see anything. I put my clothes on and brush my hair. I had long hair that I honestly hated. I walked out to bathroom to be greeted by Jungkook. He scared the hell out of me.

"Jungkook?" I say questioning why he was here.

"I have a question for you. You choice my side right?" He ask starring right into my soul.

"Uh, Yeah." I reply

"Why." He asks looking like he's questioning himself.

"Because it felt right." I respond in full honestly. Leaving out the fact that I think his hot.

"Ok well anyway would you consider working for me?" He says sounding like he already knows my answer.

I think. I want to stay here but I don't wanna stay in the boring ass room all the time. I go and sit by him. "Do you think i'll be any good. I've never killed anyone let alond..." I don't say anymore.

"Oh of course you would be good. If you weren't good I wouldn't be asking. Anyway you wouldn't kill anyone unless it was in self defense. You would train to but you won't or should't I guess unless something happens." He responds.

"Then what will I do?" I question. Be his personal sex toy?

"You will interrogate people that we need information from. Not like Namjoon interrogate but like use your manipulative skills." He reassures me.

Namjoon? So that's dimples. I think I know all their names now. "Ok...Yeah, I'll work for you."

He looks at me surprised. "Really? Ok. You can start training now or you can sleep one more night. After you start the job there will be long nights and more sleeping during the day." He says making sure I get the point.

"Oh screw it lets start now" I am very ready. I think.

He nods. "Ok come with me. I figure you trust Taehyung so he will be your teacher."

I nod and we walk out the door and down 5 different hallways to a room.

Ok so this is the last time I am writing the chapters like this.
✌️Peace out my dudes

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