Don't point fingers, if your hands aren't clean...

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Ashley's P.O.V

I finished CC and I's Interview with Bryan when I seen everyone run over to what used to be the food table. I frowned confused "What's going on there?" CC asked I shrugged. I seen Jake run over and push through the crowd… That can't be good. I seen the crowed move away and seen Jake holding SCARLET! "Shit" I mumbled running over.

Scarlet's P.O.V

I felt arms snake around me and pull me back me back by my elbows "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?!" Jake yelled, I was covered in Cake and Ella was fuming, She sat up and grabbed the only drink that managed to survive us breaking the table and poured it over my face, Jake's grip left and I fell to the ground, he went chasing after Ella. 

The drink burned my eyes and smelt strong, it dripped into my mouth and I knew from the taste it was whiskey, I cried out in pain as it filled my eyes.

I felt hands pull me up off the ground, In my blurred vision I seen it was Ashley 'Oh thank god' I thought 

"What do you think your doing?" He yelled I flinched back "What?" I asked confused "Look at what you have done!" he sighed "What are you talking about she started it!" I yelled back felling tears from the whiskey, but not Ash he wasn't making me sad he was pissing me off.

"You made yourself look ridiculous! Plus people got photos which will make it to twitter and what will people think!" He continued to yell "Fuck off" I said walking away from him, I heard him sigh and footsteps after me "Scar!, I'm sorry just" He sighed again "Just what?" I asked a little pissed off "I only just introduced you to the fans and they will twist these pictures and say terrible things" I sighed this time "Ashley, fans can say what they like, they already have remember, the point is no matter how stupid I look in those pictures their opinions aren't what make me happy" I said lifting his chin and looking into his eyes "you are" I smiled and he pulled me in for a hug and I flinched

"I'm covered in cake?" I reminded him "So, what makes me happy is hugging my girl, will you deny me off my happiness" He said twisting my words I laughed "But you will get cake all over you and look just as silly as me" I pointed out "So, we can look silly together!" He said licking cake off my nose and hugging me purposely covering himself in more cake than a simple hug would cover him in. 

"God damn you Ashley Purdy, you are amazing!" I said smiling at him "So are you Scarlet Sixx!" I blushed "lets get you cleaned up shall we" He said leading me back to BVB's bus.

On the way I got a text from Jade who had obviously seen the pictures on twitter.

I told her I would tell her later.

When we got back to the bus we passed a whining Ella crying to Jake… I looked away and Ashley pulled me through keeping me away from her. He walked me into the bathroom and turned the shower on for me "There, you can clean up in here, CC has gone to get you a change of clothes" He said about to walk out but I stopped him "You have cake on you too" I said with a dirty smirk which he returned "Your right, you will need help getting it out of your hair" He said making excuse's I smiled taking off my shirt, he complied and began to strip starting with his shirt "7 words never spoken, Ashley.Purdy.Put.Your.Shirt.Back.On" I said throwing my pants into a pile of my other clothes beginning to feel scared as I was left in my bra and panties.

"Well aren't they sexy" He said flicking the strap I blushed and he stepped closer "We don't have to if your uncomfortable you know" He whispered in my ear "No its okay" I said finding myself more comfortable being close to him, I began to take my bra off and he looked almost shocked at what he saw I felt worried till I saw a sign of his like for it…. I looked down in between his legs I blushed, he realised what had happened and blushed too. I took off my underwear and hopped into the shower closely followed by Ash.

He helped my wash the cake out of my hair, it wasn't easy…. After that I washed his hair because I he said 'I owed him' I laughed as I realised the only soap he had was Axe…. "Yay! I get to smell like a man" I said beginning to wash myself he did the same while chuckling at my silliness.

I sung as I washed and Ashley Joined in, We sung some Green Day(There old stuff, no offence there new stuff is shit) and Skid Row before I burst out singing "SHOWER!, WILL BE THERE WHEN YOU ARE FEELING ALONE, OH ,SHOWER FOR ALL THAT YOU DO, SO LIVE FREELY WITHOUT GIRLS SOAP!" I sung making the end more relevant to the situation at hand, Ashley laughed and we heard the bathroom door burst open, Ashley stepped in front of me so I was hidden "WHO IS SINGING MY SONG!" Andy's voice boomed "Me" I said innocently popping my head over Ashley's shoulder "Oh, sorry to interrupt but, good song ay?" He laughed "Yup!" I said popping the 'P' Ashley shooed him away and we continued our shower.

Ella's P.O.V

*2 days ago*

"How could you call her pretty Jake!" I yelled furious "Ella, your being paranoid, I love you, your gorgeous" Jake said looking like he was hurt by my words. "Sure Jake, I have seen the way you look at her" I hissed "How do I look at her any different than I look at Sammi, They are both my friends. JUST FRIENDS!" He put an emphasis on friends. I sighed and nodded walking into the main room on the bus and watching TV with Juliet.  That wasn't my only reason to hate Scarlet, Me and Ashley's ex-Kina have been friends for a while now and Kina is upset about Ash and her so I have to find away to fix that problem.

Scarlet's P.O.V

CC brought me my clothes and I changed into them.

He brought me my black and white skull jeans, my black strapless top my denim vest and surprisingly he brought me some bracelets and stuff as well. I changed into it and walked out into the main room for the bus "Thanks CC" I said hugging him and kissing his cheek before returning to Ashley's side and sitting on his lap on the couch.

'I know nothing too sexual happened in that shower but it was perfect' I thought "Best shower of my life" Ashley whispered in my ear I blushed and we hugged on the couch with CC next to us while we watched 'Daredevil' we were soon joined by Andy.

I went back to Motley Crue's bus late that night after drinking a little bit and putting a hammered Ashley into his bunk and tucking him in, I kissed him goodnight and headed back to my bus.

Jade's P.O.V

I was back on Motley Crue's bus and dad and I were having a 'father daughter bonding night' were we watched chick flicks and gossiped about the latest things in life. (It may sound weird but it is weirder when Nikki and Scar have theirs trust me). "So, have you and Dahvie...Well explored?" He asked I blushed slapping his shoulder "Dad…" I whined "I just wanna know, are you being 'safe'" he said making " " marks with his fingers in the air at safe.

"Dad, we haven't yet but I promise we will be 'safe'" I said mimicking his hand movements "Okay good, don't want grandkids yet" He sighed. Our night consisted of that mostly until dad had to go to bed as he almost fell asleep on the couch.

Scarlet walked onto the bus and I interrogated her with questions about what happened, she answered them tiredly and went to bed after, I soon dozed off too.

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