Forgive Me?

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Ashley's P.O.V

I woke up early this morning, I didn't sleep much anyway. I wanted to make things better with Scarlet wether she was mad at me or not I was going to spoil her.

I got up and got dressed, when I was finally ready it was 7.00am I headed downstairs to the apartment parking and got in my car.

I drove past a florist and pushed down hard on my breaks lucky there wasn't a car behind me. I pulled over and hurried in lucky it was open this early.

I walked in and smiled at the elderly lady sitting at a table on a chair with a coffee in her hands "Hello darling what might I be able to help you with?" She asked "Well, I want the best smelling and prettiest flowers you have" I said "I see, who are they for?" She asked getting up and leading me over to some flowers, "They are for my girlfriend" I said smiling at the word girlfriend "Well, I happen to think these are the nicest in the shop but maybe you want some that may reflect her" She said, she was right… these weird yellow ones weren’t really something Scar would like.

"How do I know if they reflect her" I asked she smiled at me kindly "You will know when you see them" she sounded wise. I looked around the room and seen a bunch of beautiful red lilies that made me think of Scarlet and her newly died blood red hair. "Those ones!" I said pointing to them. "Ahh, they are beautiful aren't they she must be a special girl" the elderly lady said getting a bunch of the flowers and walking me over to the wrapping quarters "She is special, she is perfect" I said as we walked "What colour wrapping dearie?" she asked "Black please" I said after thought.

"Would you like the card to say anything special" She asked "Can you please make it say"

When all goes wrong, and my life runs amok,

I think of you, and I get unstuck;

In the midst of chaos, you make my heart sing;

she smiled and wrote it down wrapping the flowers and tying them with a red ribbon "Here you are dear, she is a very lucky girl to have a man like you" She said handing me the flowers "No, I'm lucky to have her" I corrected her waving goodbye to the women.

I walked down the street to Starbucks and brought a blueberry bagel (Her favourite) and left on my adventure to find a shop that sold teddy bears 'I know what your thinking, that’s so cheesy but it was only 8am and I wanted to spoil her rotten' I brought her a small bear and began my walk back to the car.

When I got to the car I drove to her apartment building and checked my self in the mirror "All good" I said getting out and walking up to her apartment door. I knocked and I heard footsteps and someone open the door, it was Jayy "Scarlet here?" I asked "She is sleeping in her room, you can go right in" He said smiling at the flowers I brought her "Thanks Jayy" I said walking through to her room.

I sat down on the bed beside her and brushed my fingers over her cheek. She eyes fluttered open "Ash?" she asked "Yeah babe" I said noticing her bloodshot eyes "I'm sorry" the words slipped out of my lips "Ash, It's okay" she said sitting up, I held the flowers and teddy bear up "These are for you, it's my sad way of saying I'm a jerk and I'm sorry" I said handing them to her she smiled putting them down on the bed next to her.

She lunged forward and kissed my lips I kissed back shocked at first, we parted and she giggled "I accept your apology" She said "I got you a bagel as well" I laughed holding up the bag and she smiled kissing my cheek "How can I resist now" she said opening the bag "half it?" she asked "I got it for you though" I said chuckling "So we are halving it than" She said smiling pulling apart her bagel.

"I have something else to tell you" I said clearing my throat she looked up at me and nodded for me to continue "well, last night.. I had to give Kina a lift and well she…." I said trying to find a way to put the words together. She swallowed hard "And?!" she asked "Well she kind pushed herself onto me, BUT IN MY DEFENCE I PUSHED HER OFF" I started to yell worried she looked angry "I'm sorry" the words began to slip out "I don't want her, I want you I never thought I would find a girl I love as much as I love you, I never want to you to leave and I would never leave you please just talk to me!" I said looking into her eyes, she was looking down to the ground "I'm sorry" It slipped out again "You don't have to be sorry" She sighed "Yes I do" I said putting my hand on her shoulder "No, it was Kina, as long as you didn't encourage her" she said looking up "No I swear I didn't I would never" I said she put her finger on my lip "It's okay, it wasn't you" I felt my body un-tense as her fingers brushed over my skin I shivered at her fingers slowly moving down my neck, she looked at me smiling I felt myself blush my hair fell to cover my face "I love you" I whispered through my hair "I love you too" she said moving my hair out of my face.

I leaned in and kissed her nose softly before ripping a bit of the bagel off and putting into in my mouth "You missed" She said looking cross-eyed at her nose I chuckled and kissed her lips "I got to get to the studio today for some bass tracking" I said "I have a daddy-daughter day planned" she said I laughed at the thought "Do you like your flowers?" I asked "I love them, my favourite kind" She said smelling them "I'm glad you like them" she smiled and jumped back under the cover of her bed she patted the pillow next to her and I crawled under next to her snuggling up to her felt better than last night being stuck in bed alone.

She curled up next to me and laid her head on my chest, This moment was perfect…..

Scarlet P.O.V

Ashley had to leave to go track bass. I laid in bed and took in what just happened, I was angry not I was furious with Kina but helplessly in love with Ashley and I had just be given amazing flowers with a cute little teddy.

I got dressed and Dad picked me up we were having a Daddy-Daughter day today.

At first we went to get ice-cream, I got strawberry and he got rum n resin. We walked down along the sunset Blvd. and talked about what's going on with me and Ashley and him and Kat. We ended up going shopping we brought each other some stuff from hot topic. After that we dropped in to see Kat, I really wanted to see if a tattoo idea I had would work and ended up getting it down.

It was a chain tattoo that wrapped around my middle finger and had a cross hanging off to the side and beads in random places on the chain. (Basically rosary beads wrapped around my right hand) I got it tattooed by Dan. I told dad that for my birthday I really wanted a Corey Miller tattoo he just chuckled and agreed to see if he could get me one.

Our day then consisted of going to the park than getting manicures at the nail shop across from the park, dad even got his nails painted and I got him to get a pedicure with me.

Jade's P.O.V

Dahvie was a little angry at me lately, I knew exactly why too… I recently decided that maybe the fans would like me better if maybe I changed how I dressed and they have, I don't see why he is angry! The fans are happy and not sending hateful things anymore isn't that a good thing sometimes I just wish I could see things through his eyes and understand why he was seeing this as a bad thing. It was a good thing wasn't it….

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