Jayfeather x reader

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Jayfeather POV

I grumbled as I was putting wet moss on y/n bleeding leg. I scowled her, "y/n I wasn't the only one who said you can't go into battle! You were already injured.. you can't sneak out of camp and think no one would notice, like come on I knew you were a mouse brain but your way more then that now."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "wow jayfeather you sound like you actually care" I growled. "I don't I'm just saying you're Fox brained" She grumbled. "Andddd you're fish brained" I hissed at her and sniffed for the cobwebs.

I grabbed the cobwebs and applied them on y/n's wounds. She hissed in slight pain. I sighed. "What" She hissed. I growled in response. She growled back and looked away with a huff. "Why so grumpy y/n?" I grumbled.

She huffed again, "me? You're the one known to be the grumpiest of the whole clan!" As she said that I smelt my sister, Hollyleaf walk in. I growled eternally.
"Hollyleaf!" Y/n said happily trying to stand up. "No y/n! You have to lay down!" I hissed. She sighed and laid back down. I may be blind but I could just sense hollyleaf smirk with amusement. "Well y/n looks like you're gonna be stuck with grumpy butt over there" she said chuckling. I rolled my eyes and started sorting herbs.

"What luck" y/n said clearly annoyed. I growled, "well maybe if you weren't so mouse brained and went and snuck off you wouldn't have to be here longer" she shut up. 'Finally' I thought.

It was quiet for a while until Lionblaze walked in. Great I huffed and went back to sorting herbs. "Y/n!" Lionblaze meowed. "Lionblaze!!" She yelped and sprang up but hissed in pain, due to her leg. "Be careful y/n! You're going to get even more injured if you don't keep still" she huffed, "I know but I always gotta great my best friend!" She meowed happily and rubbed up against him. Hollyleaf pretended to gag, but then chuckled.

'Best friend yea right probably more then that' I hissed at myself, why do I even care? I don't! I can't, I won't! I shacked my head and continued. I may not be able to exactly see but even if I'm blind any cat would be able tell they're giving each other affection, and I do not care AT ALL.

She then started to mumble to Lionblaze and Hollyleaf.
Starclan please don't tell me I'm having feelings for y/n...I frowned and just laid down thinking. Dear starclan help...


I smiled as Lionblaze came in to check up on me. Hollyleaf left sadly. But at the corner of my eye I saw jayfeather glaring in our direction. It was a bit weird considering he's blind. I shrugged it off and purred as me and Lionblaze cuddled. But then he was called for patrol and had to leave. I grumbled and wined. "Shut up y/n" jayfeather hissed. I hissed back, "you shut up jayfeather" he grumbled and left the den. Ugh jayfeather.. I sighed and closed my eyes.

~~dream land~~
I awoke in the medicine cat den. And yawned. "Heya jayfeather" I meowed cheerfully. He grumbled, "yea yea hey y/n" I rolled my eyes. Grumpy butt. I shrugged. "Where's Lionblaze?" Jayfeather stiffened a bit. "Patrol." Is all he said. Eh that fine as long as Lionblaze hurry's. I have to admit I have feelings for Lionblaze and I want to tell me as soon as my legs healed. I blushed at the thought he might like me back as well. I sighed dreamily.

Moons later~

I did tell Lionblaze how I felt.. well he took me to a special place and told me he loved me and he asked me to be his mate and so of course I said yes! But lately he's been distant and rarely talks to me.
I sighed sadly and walked out of camp and caught Lionblaze's sent. I followed it. And it lead to windclan territory. I hissed when I saw Lionblaze with a she cat named Heathertail.. and he was also with Cinderheart?! With two shecats! He said CinderHeart was only a best friend. I hissed. I walked closer to them to see if I could hear what they are saying.
"Lionblaze I love you!"
"I also love you"
"Well.. I love you Heathertail.. but I also love you Cinderheart.."
Heathertail rubbed against Lionblaze and so did cinderheart.. both of them saying things I DONT wanna repeat. I hissed and jumped out.
"Lionblaze?! How could you!!" I growled. He jumped and so did the she cats.
"It's not what it looks like!"
I scoffed.
"Please, I heard everything. I mont mouse brained" I hissed and glared at the she cats. Heathertail jumped on me but I kicked her off and growled. I scratched her face and then I felt Lionblaze grab my scruff and picked me up and ran to camp.
He threw me down soon. "DONT HURT HEATHERTAIL AGAIN!" I hissed at him.
"Don't hurt me again!"
"How did I hurt you?!"
"Are you mouse brained?! You lied to me! You said you loved me and only me! But look at you saying 'I love you' so freely! Like those words mean nothing but those words mean so much!!!!"
He looked shocked.
"I'm expecting your kits as well..." I said lying. I want to hurt him as he did me.
He looked schooled even more and looked as if he was about to cry. I ran off smirking. As I went to camp I sighed.
But then jayfeather told me I WAS expecting kits. I yowled.

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