Thristleclaw x reader // Give your heart a break

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Y/n - your warrior name
E/c - eye color
P/c - pelt color


No ones P.O.V

" And from this day forward you will be known as y/n !!!! " Pinestar(?) yowled, " thunderclan honers your strength and intelligence! "

" y/n!! Y/n!! Y/n!! " the clan cheered

You forced a pretty convincing smile. Why? Well you didn't know how to feel, happy? Sad? Distance? You really didn't know how to feel.

You looked over from the crowd of cats congratulating you and saw thristlepaw.
He was glaring your way with, jealousy. He was glaring at you because well....your younger than him by like 6 moons and you still became a warrior before him.

Pinestar was surprised at you when you were really great at everything a new apprentice shouldn't be good at the fist day. After a few moons, you were the youngest apprentice but you became a warrior because  you learned quicker than the other apprentices.

Your P.O.V

After all the cats left me I sighed, both sadly and happily. I saw Thistlepaw come my way.
Oh great what is he going to say now?? I asked in my head.

" Hey y/n, " he hissed, " You don't deserve your warrior name! I did everything Longer and harder than you ever did! Why?!? Why you?!? "

I sighed. " I don't know thistlepaw, " I meowed calmly.
" Sure! You probably made Pinestar make you a warrior earlier than the rest of us! " he hissed again.
I pinned my ears back. I sighed again. " I didn't thistlepaw, just stop ok?!?? " I meowed but kinda growled.
He just hissed again. Then snowfur came over.
" Hey thistlepaw! " she meowed happily to him, then she seemed to finally notice me. " oh and hi y/n, " she meowed, her mood changed. " congratulations? " she meowed awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes. " yeah thanks, " I meowed not so happily.
Thistlepaw just growled at me.
" Come on Snowfur lets go, " he meowed nicely to her. " Ok! " she said so cheerfully. They then left. I sighed. Why can't I just be the cat he is so nice to ?!?! I thought sadly. What dose he see in her?
I sighed again.

~~~~~~~skipping the vigil~~~~~~~~~~

I sighed tiredly. The vigil was a bit tiring.
Pinestar came by me.
" you my go and rest, Stormtail made you a nest. " he meowed and then walked off to the forest. Where is he going?? I asked in my head. But then shrugged it off. I yawned and stormtail showed me my nest. I curled neatly in it.

I woke up a bit later.
I came out of the Warriors den and saw bluefur.
" Hiya Bluefur.......what's wrong?? " I asked, a bit worried.
" That, " she hissed and pointed to the Direction with her paw.
I looked over and saw Thistlepaw and snowfur blushing and meowing to each other.
I hated seeing them like that!!
I sighed and walked out to go hunting


" Thistleclaw!! Thistleclaw!! Thistleclaw!! "
The clan cheers for him. I stay quiet. I know now that him and Snowfur are going to be mates any time soon and I hate it.

I just walk away after every cat goes back to what there doing.
I see Thistleclaw come up to me.
Ughhhh what dose he want?!? He already ruined my life!! I thought angrily.

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