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In the darkness Huang Fu and the system started freaking out.

"W-what just happened?"

[That wasn't supposed to happen was it? I don't remember anything like that happening in the book]

"Did, did we fail?!"

[Wait! No, I don't think so...."

In the next instant a red light flashed in alert, it appeared on the system in front of their eyes (?) in the darkness.

[All systems gather to the assembly, All system gather to the assembly I repeat all system gather to the assembly.]

[e-eh?] The system was very confused. But needless to say, it did what it was ordered.

On the Horton of the alert appeared a 'assembly' button.

Going to the assembly was just a click of a button so it was simple, For automatic reasons Huang Fu was also teleported with the system.

In a flash of light they were in the assembly, what appeared was a huge sphere like shape that emitted glowing green-ish blue light. There was also strings of data like in a computer encircling the large sphere. Encircling the sphere were the systems which took the shapes of flat screens.

Everything looked so high-tech and fantasy like in a sci-fi way.

Taking a peek beside it system 4444 saw that the systems beside it was of the same generation (which was 13) and were numbered system 4443 on its right and system 4445 on its left.

All the encircled the sphere in a cylinder order with its right generation groupings and constant numbers.

Not knowing what to do both the system and Huang Fu stayed silent as not to attract attention since all the other systems were also quiet.

After waiting for more systems to pop up and fill their rightful space, a voice began talk. The loud voice could be heard from the giant sphere. System 4444 concluded that it was probably the head system that it read about in the history of systems.

[Systems of all generations, as you must be wondering the cause of this current advent. Due to an accident two of the seven guardians have been badly injured and is sent to mind halls, as some of you have witnessed due to the accident some worlds have been destroyed and large cracks have formed in the worlds universes making them uninhabitable, luckily the System Information Control Headquarters(SICH) have stopped the cracks from leaking to far and are currently working on the destroyed worlds . But more importantly one of the seven guardians souls have been completely shattered in this mess whilst it was trying to stop the other two guardians.....]

Listening to what the giant sphere the other systems could easily conclude that this whole mess was probably the fault of the two guardians.

[So For now due to the severity of the issue all of you except for those who are working in the System Information Control Headquarters(SICH) are to find the peaces of the fourth guardian, Xenon.]

[Xenons Soul has split and made its way into some worlds, the shards of his soul has already engrave itself into a host and you as systems must collect it.]

[This is the first time that this has happen in the history of systems, It is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with as fast as possible, the fastest way to get the soul shards are to forcefully capture it but since that is only possible for the more powerful systems some of you will have to make it so that the shards come willingly.]

[For every shards of souls you collect and send back, you will earn 1,500 points. In the bottom right of the system settings after this, there will appear a map to direct you to the nearest shards.]

And with that one by one the systems began to disappear in order.

For system 4444, once it disappeared, it reappeared with Huang Fu facing it, well technically Huang Fu didn't have a physical body so it didn't have a face its figure was more of a white soul shaped flame.

[So....I guess we start?]

Even after the explanation the system was still trying to process everything. It was just simply to much to handle.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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