v1 ch3

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Chapter 3

[I can't believe you did that....] Said the system disapprovingly.

"What do mean, you did it to!"

[Hmm... Don't be mean I mean there was so much pages, and more then yours.] If the system had a face it would've been seen pouting.

Huang Fu wanted to say something but the next thing he new another screen popped up. In the screen was full body pictures of 4 people. There were 2 girls and 2 guy.

"...What's this?"

[I don't know, why don't you click a picture and see what happens.] Listening to the system Huang Fu clicked the first picture of a person.

After clicking the picture, the pic turned over revealing a list of information about about the person.

Name: Su Ping
Gender: Female
Relatives: Su Mu (brother), Shu Fan (Mother), Su Chen (Father), Shu Ai cousin
Relationships: Chang Biming (Fiancé), Song Man (Secret lover)

Confused Huang Fu looked at the other pictures.

Name: Su Mu
Gender: Male
Relatives: Su Ping (Sister), Shu Fan (Mother), Su Chen (Father), Shi Ai (cousin)
Relationships: Han Ah (girlfriend?), Bao Su (girlfriend?),

Name: Ming Huang
Gender: Female
Relative: Ming So (father), Hui Ho (Mother)
Relationships: Kong Ju-Long ( Fiancé)

Name: Hong Fa
Gender: Male
Relatives: Hong Kun (father), Xi She (Mother)
Relationships: N/A

In each of the pictures, at the bottom of its information was a button that said accept.

"Hey system, what's this?" Asked Huang Fu

"System" Not getting an answered he asked again. The system couldn't have disappeared could it?

"....Hello are you there system?"

[Ohhhhh!!!!] Shouted the system loudly surprising Huang Fu.

[Look at the top right of of the screen. There's a button that says story/fates. I was going through it a while ago and I think it connects to the people in the pictures.] Sounding very proud of its self the system loudly exclaimed at the new found information.[Hmm, our situation is like those world traveling stories I read where the main characters go to another world or stories and be badass and find their true love or something.]

"Wait you were also a person?" Huang Fu was kind of shocked he was prior told by the system that this was its first time being a system but he had assumed that the system just popped out of nowhere or something like that and started.

[Yeah, and like you I also died but with different circumstances.] Not wanting to talk about this any further the system changed the topic. "Okay, chop, chop, let's read the book."


10 minutes into the book and Huang Fu felt exasperated. There was simply to many black hearted people in the book and it really annoyed him. Ahhh, there was so much people in the book he wanted to punch like those evil cousins....

40 minutes in.... he hated the male lead, there was no other words to describe the male lead then a typical rich ass.

2 hour and 30 minutes later....



Huang Fu was frustrated he couldn't, no he just couldn't...

2 hours and 10 and a half minutes later; Huang Fu wondered... are there actual people who are that evil? I mean do they even have a soul or any conscious at all? Who exactly hurt these people?


"Stupid second male lead I can't believe you... How could you....I won't ever forgive you..."

[...] If one didn't know, one would think someone broke his heart into a billion pieces.

59 pages later...


[...] Please just stop hitting me....


7 hours and 45 minute in... His heart hurt... ahhhh, why do the bad boys always get chosen *sob* never the nice guy...

He was done. He was finally done but he felt empty; this was his first time reading these type of things (novels) and it left him with a bitter-sweet feeling. His male pride wouldn't admit it but somewhere deep in side him; like really, really, reaaaaaalllyy deep inside him he kind of, only like a teensy, weeny, eetsie bit enjoyed it.

[Umm... you okay?] Asked the system meekly. Throughout his mood swings the system was also reading the story along with him and unluckily for the system Huang Fu couldn't keep his hands, and emotional conflicts to himself. If the system wasn't a unnatural being that defied normal scientific knowledge then its screen would have numerous cracks by now.

*cough* " Yes, yes I am." Said Huang Fu embarrassedly, realizing his improper behaviour towards the system.

[Okay, now lets choose a person.]

Tale of a dream: System 4444Where stories live. Discover now