NCT127: Surprising them at a Concert

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a/n: Because I got lazy so here's something from my tumblr oof

If you want to follow my tumblr since I'm going to start it up again, it's peachyyluxx


Since Taeyong has this 'other persona' whenever he's performing (you know what i'm talking about), I feel like when he first sees his S/O, he'd instantly break out of it, smiling and happy to see him/her. But, after a few seconds, he'd go back to his on-stage self, determined to finish the performance and give them the best performance he could ever show. Afterwards, backstage, he would hug him/her and be really touched that they came all the way to see him in his element.

"I can't believe you're here!"


He's such a little cutie i swear. Taeil would feel more embarrassed when he sees his S/O in the crowd, not really knowing how to react at first. During the whole performance, he'd have this jittering feeling in his stomach and he'd smile more than he already does. He's just a jittery hyung that is extremely touched that he/she is actually here, watching him dance and perform.

After the performance, he'd act a little shy, but still be really excited and touched that they came.

"I'm so happy that you're here."


Johnny honestly would try to impress them as hard as he could, sending winks their way, even lipbites. He just wanted to show them how hot he could be while on stage doing his thannng. (trust me we all know how hot you are Johnny stop hurting us please)

After the performance, Johnny would immediately find his S/O, asking them all sorts of questions on how he looked while performing, hugging them and kissing their cheek tenderly. He's a softie at heart, so he'd be touched and overwhelmed that they actually came and surprised him.

"Didn't i look amazing? I'm so happy that you came today~"


Prepare for your insides to completely be turned into mush by one look at this boy. Instantly, he'd turn from squish to this, going all out on the dancing and trying to impress his S/O. Of course he would excited to actually see them and hug them, but he wanted to give them a feel at what else he can do when he's excited ;)

After the performance, he'd give him/her a backhug, resting his head in the crook of their neck, not caring if his sweat would drip down on to their clothes or seep on to their skin. He'd give them a small peck on the lips, smirking soon after.

"How'd you like the preview?"


Awe tis little ball of cuteness would be so delighted that they actually came to see him! He'd keep glancing his/her way, making sure it wasn't an actual dream and that they were actually there, right in front of him (sort of). He would be all smiles during the concert, his heart fluttering at the mere thought of them

After the performance, he'd instantly latch on to him/her, smiling brightly and giving them so many hugs. He'd be so shocked that they were there!

"Wha- How did you- when did you- !"


Ah my cute Young Bunny He'd be so surprised when he makes eye contact with them! I feel as if he'd freeze up for one second, realizing that his S/O is there, watching him, then come back to reality and continue on with the show. Doyoung would want to try his best during the performance, to show him/her that he's awesome and cool. He'd have his signature cute smile on and continue to glance their way, wanting to keep an eye on them and show them that he knows they're here and how he's over the moon about it Sun & Moon whaat

After the Performance, he'd instantly wander towards his S/O, all smiles and hugs. He'd give them a light peck on top of the head, trying not to stain them with his sweat lmao.

"Did you like it? did you? I tried my best because you were here!"


To me, I feel as if Jaehyun would be extremely happy, but try not to show it during the performance. He'd rather show his S/O how excited and delighted he was after the concert was over, rather than during it. He'd want to stay as professional as possible, but he'd still have a goofy smile on his face and glance in their direction, just to give them a recognition.

Now, after the performance is a whole new thing. After, he'd instantly latch on to his S/O, cheering and giggling about how much he missed them and how surprised he was when he first saw them here. He'd pepper them with kisses, even a few hugs here and there, not caring what the others thought of him. He turns to mush around his S/O because he just loves them so much.

"Jagi, did you see me up there! I was so surprised when I saw you, I wanted to come and kiss you right then and there!"


Mark would be such a flustered boy! He'd try to keep calm as much as he could, but making eye contact or just knowing that they were here in the crowd, would turn his insides into mush. He'd be so flustered and out of it, but would still hit the dance moves correctly and nail his raps.

After the performance, He'd smile and hug them quickly, not wanting to get his sweat on him/her. He'd admit how nervous he was when he saw them, but would also clarify it was because of how happy he was.

"You made me so nervous up there, I thought I was going to trip up or something!"


Awe i'd feel like the maknae would be so embarrassed when he saw his S/O in the crowd, maybe even freeze up a little. He'd continue on with the concert as if nothing happened, but his heart would be beating 10x as fast as it usually did on stage, knowing that someone special to him was there, watching.

After the performance, he'd try to play off his nervousness and tease his S/O about coming all the way from where they were from just to see him. He'd feel honored, i guess.

"Awe, you didn't have to! You came all the way from (place) just to see me~?

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