Jaehyun (6.5)

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A/n: since you guys asked for a part 2 to Jaehyun, here you go!
I woke up to the smell of gas filling my nostrils.
I couldn't open my eyes, they seemed covered by some sort of..silk fabric.
My hands and feet were bound to pieces of wood, the coldness of it sending chills down my limbs. I tried to move my head, but a sharp intake of breath made me realize that I was also constrained by my neck.
It was some sort of cold metal, pressing against my skin harshly as I tried to wriggle out of the restraints.
"There's no use, you know?" I immediately recognized the voice.
He sounded kind of far away, but he was close enough that he could still see me struggling. He chuckled lowly, a small creak of a chair followed soon after.
"I told you there's nothing to worry about ,(y/n). Stop worrying!" He laughed more. I heard footsteps coming closer to me, and then I could see him clearly.
He took off the tie he tied around my eyes. I blinked repeatedly, trying to get used to the light that was suddenly blinding me. Jaehyun smiles, pushing up his glasses as he looked down at me. "Stop worrying.." he murmured, his cold hand caressing my cheek. I couldn't move, my eyes widening in fear as he leaned down, giving my cheek a small kiss.  "You're safe now, with me."
I felt my blood run cold as he continued to run his hands on my face, slowly letting his hands rake through my hair.
"Wh-why are you doing this?" I asked, sniffling slightly. The room was cold, and I was only in my pajama shorts and a tank top, my feet feeling numb from being pressed against the concrete floor for so long. He tilted his head, looking down at me in confusion. He continued to brush my hair, humming a small tune.
"What do you mean? I saved you, obviously." He said, his nails slowly digging into my cheek as he slid his hand down my face. I winced, but didn't say anything back nonetheless. "I saved you, didn't I? You were going through.. a lot of things. Your fiancé left you, you were evicted from your home, your family didn't even give you the light of day.." he continued on, petting me like I was some animal," and your friend just felt pity for you. Why would you want to live like that, (y/n)?" He finally stopped, both of his hands on either side of my cheeks. He made me look at him in the eyes, his eyes swimming with happiness.
"..no." I whispered, flinching as he continued to lean forward, until his forehead rested against my own. I could feel his hot breath against my face, and his eyes continued to bore into my own.
"Then don't. Complain. Alright?" He suddenly leaned away, sighing. "I'm sorry, you must be hungry. Let me go get you some food." He smiled happily, letting out a small hum as he went to the staircase, going up the stairs of the basement. I let out a breath I didn't think I had, and looked down at my hands.
They were restraint by pieces of rope, tied to the chair I was sitting in. So were my feet, making me unable to move. I heard something vibrate next to me, so I looked over. There was a small nightstand, a familiar phone sitting on top of it.
It was my phone.
The screen was lit up and it kept vibrating, meaning someone was calling me. I breathed in and out, slowly looking over to the basement door.
I heard no footsteps, meaning he wasn't coming down anytime soon.
Maybe this is my chance...
With no hesitation, I slowly scooted the chair towards the direction of the table, wincing as the neck restraint pulled tightly, but it let me to far enough as the table. I leaned over, quickly grabbing the phone with my teeth, then pressing 'answer' with my lip.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n) where are you I just got home and you're not here!!" I heard EunHee's voice break though, and I sigh, about to answer, until footsteps suddenly were heard.
My eyes widened as I heard footsteps right above me. My eyes followed the sound, all the way to the basement door, to which it opened.
(Y/n)? Where are you! Answer me, please!" EunHee yelled, but I couldn't answer. My body was frozen in fear, and I wasn't able to speak. I could only stare as Jaehyun approached me, a plate of warm food in his hands.
"Either you tell her you're fine.. or you won't see anyone else ever again." He muttered, so low that I could barely hear him, let alone EunHee . He continued to hold the plate, his eyes staring into my own with a hard stare.
I gulped.
"I'm..." I tried, but my voice trembled. "I'm fine." I said, trying to stable my voice.
EunHee sighed.
"God dammit you gave me a scare. Where are you? I'll pick you up-"
"N-no!" I said quickly, jaehyun's eyes narrowing as he mouthed slower. "No, I'm fine. I'm staying with another friend right now..th-there's no need."
"Are you sure?" I looked at Jaehyun straight in the eye.
"I'm fine." I said clearly. Now say goodbye. "Bye Eun-Ha."
"See you soon.." with that, she hung up. I was left there, alone, with Jaehyun. He smiled down at me, pulling up a chair in front of me and sitting in it. He caressed my cheek with his hand and I leaned into it. His hand was as warm as a fire, sending warmth through my cold body. His thumb made circles around my cheek, continuing to hum a familiar tune.
One that I had playing in the house yesterday...

I was walking around the house, letting the radio play as I cleaned up the place for EunHee . I smiled to myself, slightly twirling as the tune continued to play.
"I'm laughing on the outside
Crying on the inside
Cause I'm still in love with you"
I twirled once more, smiling and laughing out loud.

"Y..you were there?" I said, barely above a whisper.
Jaehyun just smiled at me.
"Darling, I've been here since you came and visit EunHee last summer.. there was..something about you.. that made me want to have you..." he chuckled, throwing his hands up in the air in excitement. "And now you're here! With me! Like I always wanted! Isn't it spectacular, (y/n)?"
"Yeah. Spectacular."
"Now..let's eat dinner, shall we?"
Help me.
Please, anyone. Help me.

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