Seth Rollins

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You: You still care for Dean.

Seth: No.

Y: Seth, I saw it in your face.

S: When?

Y: When they hurt his bad shoulder.

S:  No, that look was because I wanted to be the one to hurt his shoulder.

Y: Stop lying!!

S: I'm not!

Y: Seth, how old are you? Man the fuck up and talk to Dean!!

S: I don't wanna! He hates me!

Y: And why does he hate you?

S: Because I have no balls and I took the easy way out...

Y: Yes! Yes! Yes! You finally see sence!

S: Shut up! I'm banning Bryan from being around you.

Y: Colby Lopez, man the fuck up, and go talk to fucking Jon before I hurt your baby making area!

S: :o You called me colby! I like when you're feisty! Oh and you wouldn't do that. You want kids one day ;)

Y:You like me anyway! Now go!

S:Fine! Love you x

Y:You'll thank me later. Love you too x


Edited - Rx

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