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The Cid

If waiting means forever,
I wouldn't mind.
I am done with the venture
And a trivial rewind.
The merit I have wasted
Will never be back.
I swear to the heavens
I'll never look back.

If looking back means losing you,
I will keep my look straight.
I won't think of the yearning─
I'm propitious with my state.
The sensation you served
Was beyond compare.
You made me screwy from afar.
You're the favour I won't share.

If sharing means getting
A little attention from you,
I will dispel generosity.
I am the book, we correspond
Because sexylove, you're the coffee.
In this world full of braggarts,
Let you write our story;
How we fought for completeness─
That's what we'll let them see.

I love your soul,
I love every bit of you
And I always will.

How you kiss me
From another place;

How you serve as my sun
With brightest rays;

You are my addiction,
My righteous offense,
My sweetest dream come true

And if I have to stay insane
For life just to be with you,
I wouldn't mind.

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