Sunny Day

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Uhhh... Hello! Wow, it's been awhile since the last time I updated. Sorry. Also I'm sorry this is so short. And I really don't know if this count as angst or not. But anyway, enjoy!

Warning! a lil bit angst I guess

It's rather a nice day. The sun shining and the bird singing happily. Not to hot but also not to cold. For most people it's a perfect day for a date or just go out for a walk. But not to a raven haired male.

He knows in days like this, crime rate increases almost drastically due to the more people out of their own safe bubbles. But, today is his day off, he supposed not to think about that. He supposed to relax.

"Hmm... What to do today...," The raven haired male, known as Tamaki, tapped his finger on the table. He has nothing to do. He lived alone, his friend is overseas for a convention.

Then an idea popped up. Tamaki then quickly get dressed and picked up his phone and wallet.


Tamaki stepped on a field full of green grass and flowers. He wandering around the field, until his eyes set on a familiar tree on top of a small hill. He eyes fixed on an old tire, hanging from the tree big branch with the ropes connected to an old tree house.

Tamaki smiled softly at the view. It's been a long time since the last time he went there. He then traced his finger over an old writing on the tree trunk.

'MT + TA + NH'

"I hope I could bring Hadou here, but she's still overseas for a convention," Tamaki sat down next to something that appears to be a rock. No, not a rock, it's a gravestone.

On the surface of the gravestone written a single name. Mirio Toogata. It's almost too painful for Tamaki to see that name engraved on the gravestone. It's still hurt him everyday that his best friend, no, boyfriend, already gone. Because of him. Because protecting him from villain.

"Hey Mirio, I wonder what are you doing up there?" Tamaki started to the sky as gentle breeze caress his soft raven hair.

Tamaki sat there for hours and talked to his boyfriend that 6 feet underground. Until the sky is painted with beautiful crimson colors.

"I'll come again tomorrow, Mirio,"

Miritama one shot! [DISCONTINUE]Where stories live. Discover now