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Warning! This story contain angst and sad ending!

Tamaki flew across the battlefield. Somehow he got his hands on some eagle meat during the battle. He got a ton of useful food for the battle and it still lasted even when the vilian captured. He only got a few scratches all thanks to his dearest friend. But in the middle of the battle, he got separated from Mirio, and he started to get concerned when Mirio didn't came back after the other hero secured the vilian.

He even told the paramedics to call him if Mirio shows up, but until now he didn't got any single call. He kept flying around until his eyes catched a 5'11¼" tall boy with a very familiar blond hair until it struck him. He quickly nosedive to the boy, only realised how much wound the boy had.

"MIRIO!" Tamaki called as he landed and cradled the boy onto his lap. The boy groaned and coughing blood as his friends, or lover to be exact, patted his blond hair softly.

"T-Tamaki... I'm glad you o-okay," Mirio smiled weakly as his hand cupped the raven haired boy. He still coughing as Tamaki called the paramedics.

"It's because of you," Tamaki murmurred as tears falls down through his cheek. With his thumb, Mirio wiped Tamaki tears. But it only make Tamaki started to sobs more.

"Please, don't cry," Mirio said weakly as his body grew more and more weak. His breath is growing shallowed and realized he isn't going to make it.

"Thank you Tamaki for this amazing 10 years. I also thank you for believing in me and allowed me to love you. Thank you for being my sunshine in every darkest time. Thank you for always by my side even it's not worth it. Thank you for allowing me to hold you, to be your friend, lover, and partner. I hope you know, that I always love you no matter what happens," Mirio said with his bright smile as he kissed the boy softly for the last time. He exhale his last breath as his lips parted from his lover.

"No! Mirio! Please... Don't leave me!" Tamaki cried as his lover's body grew colder. He rested his forehead on Mirio's cold chest as he inhale his lover scent for the last time. He sobbed, making Mirio's hero costume wet with his tears. Tamaki doesn't care about getting Mirio's blood all over his hero costume. He doesn't care as the paramedics arrived. He insisted to be on Mirio's side when the paramedics tried to tear them apart to checked on Mirio's pulse. All he knows is half of his soul is dead. His friend, lover, and his motivation to become a powerful hero gone.

"Good bye Mirio, I'll see you again soon," Tamaki said softly as he committed suicide on top of his lover's body by stabbed his heart with his eagle claws, killing him instantly.

Miritama one shot! [DISCONTINUE]Where stories live. Discover now