Bruises (A/B/O AU)

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It's been an exhausting day. The Suneater and Lemillion stumbled across their flat. Today's mission is about villain going berserk because of his mate was taken hostage by the hero in order to capture him. The villain is responsible for multiple homicide, his target is always mated Omega. Thanks to Lemillion and Suneater, the villain is able to get captured.

Tamaki quickly stripped out of his hero costume and changed into something comfortable, which is Mirio's sweater and his own sweatpants. Meanwhile Mirio is in the bathroom, showering because of the vilian quirk, he can spit a very sticky liquid and it can be poisonous if the vilian wants to. While Mirio is taking a bath, Tamaki went to the kitchen, and cooked a meal for him and Mirio. Today's menu is pigeon steak with shark fin soup. 

When Mirio is out of the bathroom, fully clothed, Tamaki just almost finished cooking. Their flat is a smells like a restaurant. And that leads Mirio to the kitchen, finding Tamaki using a black apron while cooks their soup. He moved quietly and warped his hand on Tamaki's waist, making the smaller man flinched.

"Smells good," said Mirio while nuzzled to Tamaki's neck, inhaling his mate scent. Tamaki is visibly relaxed and tilting his head out of reflex, making more room for Mirio. Mirio let out a happy sounds and quickly licked his omega, making Tamaki whine.

"M-Mirio," Tamaki whined as he turned off the stove with shaky hands. Then he turns around, facing his alpha.

"Eat first, we can do this after," Tamaki murmurred as Mirio captured his lips softly. Mirio then nods and helps Tamaki to bringin their food to the table. They eat in peace, sometimes Mirio chating softly about their mission today. Tamaki just listening, and smiling while his eyes stares at those beautiful blue eyes Mirio had. When they finished, Mirio washed their plates while Tamaki cleaning the table and hanging his apron. Mirio quickly scoped Tamaki and rushed to their bedroom, successfully making Tamaki yelped in surprise.

"Mirio... It's embarrassing," Tamaki whined as he hides his face on his mate chest, his mate's laugh rumbles softly.

"It's only us here Tamaki," Mirio said as he placed Tamaki on their bed. Then he kissed Tamaki again, this time with lust and dominance. Then he pushed Tamaki until he's lie down, and Mirio climbed on top of Tamaki. Mirio's kiss continued to Tamaki's neck, and he sucked on their mating mark. Tamaki moaned as his hands make their way to Mirio's short blond hair. After that it's all blurs for them, as they made love all night long.

The next morning, Tamaki woke up with an empty bed. But his ears could hear that his mate is in the kitchen, making both of them breakfast. When Mirio enter their bedroom he only wear boxer, revealing his perfect build body. But Tamaki realised there's a couple of half healed bruises on Mirio's body. So he scrambled to Mirio, with only using Mirio's sweater.

"You didn't tell me you're injured," Tamaki frowned as his finger traced around the bruises.

"It's nothing, besides it's only a scratch," Mirio shrugged with his bright smile. But Tamaki only answer him with a frown.

"Okay, I'm sorry for not telling you, but I'm perfectly okay," Mirio said as he hugged his mate. Tamaki just stay still until he returns the hug, his nose buried on Mirio's neck.

"Please don't do that again," Tamaki whispered as Mirio nodded, and let out a content sounds.

"I won't,"

Miritama one shot! [DISCONTINUE]Where stories live. Discover now