Chapter nine: Racing the mastermind

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Tsumugi pushed her glasses up her nose nervously. It was very quiet in the mastermind chambers except for the low buzzing of all the tech in her domain. Monokuma sat by her laughing at how stupid the students were. Tsumugi grit her teeth, typing furiously on the keyboard. She couldn't see Keebo or Kokichi. She didn't know where they were. Keebo's room monitor came up blank, and when she tried sending in Monokuma, his head got stuck in the dispenser vent with a CLANK!

She was frustrated. Kokichi was a master of critical thinking. He dominated everyone at chess. He planned many steps ahead. He confused even the strangest people. She thought she could win against him but unlike previous masterminds she had a problem.

She had decided to participate in her own game.

Tsumugi shook her head. "If I go to see them there's no telling what will happen. It's clear. I have to stop them." Monokuma grinned from beside her. His one red eye gleaming viciously. "Shall we start punishment time?" Tsumugi shook her head. "We need more of you. A lot more." She whispered silently into the eerie room.

"Birth. Birth. Birth."

Meanwhile Kokichi had grabbed the remote. "Miu! A war is coming!" He declared. Miu squealed and jumped up. "D-don't scare me like that!" She said. Kokichi grinned. "I need a bunch of those bugvac things. Oh and some of these!" He said. Miu studied the design. It was drawn better than the ones she had seen before in full crayon color. She brushed off spare crayon bits and shot a glare at Kokichi. "What do you need these for you weirdo?!" She asked.

Kokichi grinned. "Simple! I need those to kill Monokuma!" He said. She stared at what would become electro bombs and electro hammer. Miu scoffed. "Why should I lend you my genius brains when-" Kokichi kneeled down. "But we need your genius and promise not to leave you even if you don't rebel with us!" He said. Miu froze while Kokichi smirked and grabbed some things off of her wooden shelf.

Keebo gathered up everyone in the same place. "What do you want you degenerate- oh wait." Tenko was confused. "Okay. I'll take Himiko too!" She said energetically. "Nyeh... Id rather not...." Himiko slouched. The chair groaned in protest and Himiko swiveled away from her. Tenko smiles. "Its something good! I'm sure it is! But we just don't know what!" She said. Keebo cringed. He had no idea what Kokichi was doing. All he knew was everyone but Tsumugi was going to the library around 8:00 and he was supposed to meet Kokichi in his room at 4:00. Kokichi raced down the halls of the academy and ran towards the dorms.

Keebo stepped outside. There was a gentle breeze, bright blue sky..... so peaceful and quiet. He smiled. It was pretty when you forgot its purpose. He checked his internal watch crap. Keebo was almost going to be late! He bumped into Kokichi also racing for his room. They crashed foreheads and fell on their butts. "Oww!!- Kokichi?!" Keebo rubbed his head. Kokichi grinned and extended a hand. Keebo took it or tried. "Kokichi!" He protested as Kokichi high fives him. Kokichi then chuckled and helped him up. "C'mon Keeboy!" "Don't call me that."
Keebo smashes his lips onto Kokichi silencing his teasing words. Kokichi slipped his arms around Keebo. They stayed like that for two minutes until they had to go. Kokichi wished he could stay like that for longer.
Maybe even forever.

But he had to protect his friends. And his precious love Keebo. He blushed internally at his mushy thoughts and let his bangs drool over his head. "You look creepy when you do that." Keebo remarked. Kokichi shot a mock glare in response sending chills down Keebo's old man back. Kokichi then opened the door to Keebo's room.
"Step into my lab." He said smiling. "I made it myself!" The purple eyed boy beamed in excitement. The blond frowned in suspicion. "C'mon cmooooon! Unless..... WAHHHH!!" Kokichi burst into tears. Keebo hurriedly hugged him and sighed. "Stop it!" "But you're meeean and don't like my lab!" "I never said that!" "But you implied it!"
Keebo groaned in defeat and let Kokichi work on him.

A few hours later and Keebo felt great! Kokichi had learned how his body worked pretty easily and turned his strength settings off the charts! Of course he had the remote that could control all electric devices which he rubbed in by making Keebo suffer through embarrassing poses. Keebo responded by kissing him on the cheek and Kokichi would genuinely smile.

Keebo had a laser gun installed as well as a flying rocket mechanic.
"Let's try it out! I'm gonna ride on your back!" Kokichi said excited. Keebo grinned and nodded. "That's so cool Keebo!" Kokichi said. Keebo blushed and grinned with pride.
Keebo sighed and focused his mind. He ran and ran leaving dust footprints-
He was flying! And it felt amazing.
"Woah! This is amaaazing!!!!" Kokichi yelled. Kaito stared at the two from below. "Holy smokes. They're flying!" He said. Kiyo smiles from under his mask. "How beautiful. A man and a machine with a heart both enjoying each other's company." He laughed creepily making Kaito shudder and back away slowly.

Kokichi felt the wind in his hair and his throat horse from yelling. "Keebo you need to land now!" He demanded. Keebo smirked. "No! Now I have control! We land when I say-" "Nee-hee hee! You give me no choice." Kokichi said his ear almost making him fall from the sky. Kokichi whipped out the remote control. Keebo started thrashing. "No! No don't!" He felt his body numb and groaned. He shot a glare at Kokichi. "Don't look at me like that... you know it's only necessary." He said.

Keebo rolled his eyes as he landed. "We gotta meet everybody!" Kokichi explained. He and Keebo ran side by side towards the library.

Tsumugi sighed. She was nearby reading when Gonta whizzed by at an inhuman speed. She thought nothing of it as the gentle air that breezed when he ran flipped her book onto the next page. Kaito ran by cursing. She still wasn't concerned. Shuichi then ran after Kaito at top speed. Tsumugi blinked for a second. She could have sworn she saw Maki. She gently breathed on her glasses and kept reading while thinking to herself.
How strange. It must be a race.

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