Chapter 5: Stay away.

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Tsumugi had suspected that Kokichi was snooping around for a while now. But the nano Kumas never found him doing anything suspicious. She'd had to follow him around, silently stalking him as he walked around. All she caught were his pranks. But this time to her dismay, she realized he was hanging around Keebo.
"I have to keep them apart!" She had declared scaring Himiko who was eating dinner beside her. "Who?" She asked Tsumugi who had blushed in embarrassment. "Um- anime reference!" She said quickly. Himiko nodded as if she understood. She in fact did not.

Kokichi walked up to Keebo's room. "Maybe I can keep him longer than it needs to be." He grinned.

Keebo opened the door to find Kokichi standing out there with the box. "Merry Christmas!" Kokichi said cheerfully. Keebo laughed. "It's not Christmas yet Kokichi." Keebo said yanking him inside. Kokichi pretended to look confused. "Whaa? But you said it was! I even brought a present." He said. "A present? But we found that box together." Keebo said. "A joke Keeboy." Kokichi said. "Don't call me Keeboy..." Keebo said.
From outside their door, Tsumugi leered. "Oh no. I can't have them hanging out. Kokichi will know!" She said.

From inside the room about to open the box, they heard a crash outside the room. Kokichi got up. Keebo followed. He nodded and Kokichi swung the door open to reveal..... an empty hallway. Tsumugi had squealed and ran away scowling. Kokichi narrowed his eyes. Something was up. And he had at least 240 scenarios. Keebo seemed a little shaken up but shrugged. He then opened the box.
"A note?" Keebo said. "Read it!" Kokichi said excitedly. "Congratulations on finding this remote. With it you can control many things. But I'll just let you try it out yourself.
Keebo scowled. "J.E.? Who?!" Keebo said annoyed. Kokichi thought for a moment with a blank face. Then he stood up and snatched the remote, leaving Keebo reeling. Kokichi smirked and pat his head as the robot sat confused on the floor.
"Well? Let's try it out."
Kokichi ran and Keebo chased after him.
"Let's point it at things!" Kokichi said grinning. Keebo tackled him and sat on him. "Wa....wait a minute!" Keebo said. Kokichi blushed under his bangs. "How bold of you Keeboy. But maybe this remote controls you!" Kokichi said pointing it at him. "Ack! Don't point that at me-......." Keebo went silent. "Keebo?" Kokichi said slowly getting both of them up. Keebo's ahoge fell off. Keebo opened his eyes. "Woah. That's weird." He said. Kokichi cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?" It was quiet in the dorm hall, with Keebo and Kokichi at the stairs going to the upper dorms. Tsumugi bit her nails nervously and stared intently down at them.
"No.. his ahoge!" She thought.
Kokichi grinned. "Hey Keeboy. I think this remote does control lotsa things. Even you!" He said. Keebo shuddered at the thought. "Give me that!" He said trying to snatch it. Kokichi chuckled. He dodged and pinned Keebo. "You look helpless it's a little cute." He remarked. Keebo shot a glare at him. "Maybe I will get lasers." He said ignoring the fluttering in his chest. Kokichi grinned. "Woah there tiger before you go all pew pew, ͏you have to address the elephant in the room." Kokichi said.

Kokichi stared up at Tsumugi. "I know you're there Tsumugi." He said. She stood up sheepishly and sighed. "Okay okay...... how did you know? I thought I was plain hidden...." she muttered. Kokichi smiled. "Because you smell."
Tsumugi puffed her cheeks. "How rude." "Kokichi!" Keebo said from under him. Kokichi smirked at him. "Hush hush Keebo. The humans are talking." He said. Keebo tried to kick him but Kokichi stroked his face lightly. "Chill it was a lie." "I will not excuse your robophobic remarks!" "Um... guys? I wasn't meaning to spy....." "oh? But your eyes say otherwise." Kokichi stared up at her. Tsumugi scowled internally. But outside she sighed. "Well I...... um......" Tsumugi thought of yaoi and blushed. "No way..... right? I have to go!" She said running away. Keebo stared after her. "Well that was strange." He said. Kokichi smirked and stared after her.
"I have an idea."

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