Chapter 14: Space case

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Kaede stopped in her tears. "What? I didn't?" Rantaro shook his head. Kokichi grinned. "Why? Did you want to?" He asked. "Shut up you midget degenerate!" Tenko yelled. Keebo grabbed Kokichi and put him behind him.
Shuichi stared at him. "What do you mean she didn't kill you? Monokuma lied?" "Monokuma doesn't lie!" Tsumugi said. "Bears don't lie!" She struggled against Kirumi's chains. "That's a big fat lie!" Kokichi said. "And I hate lies!"

Rantaro sighed. "I saw your shot putt. It almost hit me. I know what you were trying to do Kaede." He pat her head lovingly. Shuichi narrowed his eyes. "Then who did kill you?" He asked. "When I turned around, Tsumugi was behind me with her own shot putt. It's all a blur from there." He said. Everyone glared in disgust at Tsumugi. Rantaro winced and rubbed his head. Kaede did as well. "I think we have a headache." Rantaro said. Kaede giggles. Shuichi frowned. "Hey. Maki please help Kaede." He said. "Kaito help Rantaro." Kokichi grinned. He was opening his mouth.

"Shut it Kokichi" Shuichi blushed a bit. He then turned to Tsumugi. "Tell us everything." Shuichi said. Tsumugi shook her head. "We're gonna interrogate her! Can we pleaseee?" Kokichi asked.

The students helped Kirumi and Ryoma get to the cafeteria. They were still in their drugged state. Kirumi sat mindlessly and Ryoma fell over. Angie and Tenko helped Kirumi while Gonta chucked Ryoma over his shoulder. Keebo insisted on his purpose of helping people. So he ended up helping Rantaro who was a bit unsteady and Kaito and Maki walked with Kaede.

Kokichi and Shuichi dragged Tsumugi to Kaede's lab. "So what do you plan to do to me?" She asked. "Well since I can hack everything you made.." Kokichi held up his remote. "Ugh. I knew that leaving that was stupid. I just thought no one would be that lucky." "Well you know I looove to stay inside." "What?" "That was a lie!" Kokichi grinned.

Shuichi face palmed. "You want to good cop bad cop this?" He asked. "Eww I don't wanna be a cop. I have my own interrogation methods!" He stared determined up at Shuichi. "Fine. You can go after me." Shuichi said. "And I'll play the suspenseful music!" Kokichi said grabbing a CD off of the shelf. He popped it in the recorder. The suspenseful music began to play making Tsumugi shift from where she was on the piano bench.

"Come on guys! That's just plain annoying!" She squeaked as Shuichi walked up to her. The wooden beams creaked with each step. "Look Tsumugi. Tell me everything." Shuichi said. "No!" Tsumugi struggled to try and turn away. "Look you can either talk to me- or to him." He pointed a thumb at Kokichi. "And I have no idea how he interrogates people." Shuichi stomped on a beam making it crack. "TSUMUGI! Think about this. Look me in the eyes and tell me. Are you going to talk?" Shuichi glared. She shook her head.

Shuichi sighed. "Well then I'm not really sorry for what's about to come. Kokichi!" He said. Kokichi whirled around. "Yes?" He asked. "Your turn." Shuichi said sitting in the corner. "Okay but if you try to stop me-" "I won't. Go wild." Shuichi said. "Hmmmm? What caused the change of heart?" "She- she framed Kaede. She lied to us all. She also tried to make us all kill each other." Shuichi said.

"I don't feel bad." He said simply. Kokichi smirked. "Ooh! Good. So in my lab I have a bazooka." "Kokichi!" "That was a lie! But can you ask Maki for some knifes!" Kokichi asked. Shuichi reluctantly stood up and exited.

"Great!" He turned back around to the sitting Tsumugi. "So Tsumugi! Isn't this ironic?! You tried to kill me and now your being interrogated by yours truly!" Kokichi laughed. "Forget it! I'm plainly not talking!" Tsumugi said. Kokichi made his snake face making Tsumugi flinch. "Reeeally? Oh I doubt that." He said.

Shuichi reentered the room holding him the knifes. Kokichi took them and bowed. He then whirled around and pointed one to her throat making her gasp. "TALK!" He yelled. "No!" She croaked. "Fine." "Really?" "No. That was a lie." Tsumugi rolled her eyes. Kokichi turned the music up. He walked over to her and pulled out her Naegi cosplay. "Talk or I'll destroy it." He said. "EEP!" Tsumugi struggles more. "T-that's just plain evil!" "Well of course it is. I'm the supreme lord of evil." Kokichi said. He took the knife and grinned. "Maybe I'll start with the wig." "Noo! That took me ages!" She cried.

"The tell me everything you know or say bye bye to your cosplay!" He pulled out all of her cosplay and stabbed the Naegi clothes. Tsumugi winced but held on. Kokichi pulled out a match. With a maniacal laugh he lit the match and put it closer to the wig- "STOP! I'LL TALK!" Tsumugi shouted desperate. Kokichi smiled evilly. "Good." He said. Shuichi raised an eyebrow. Tsumugi sighed defeated. "Where do I begin?" She asked.

"Well that's easy!" Kokichi said. "At the beginning." He said. Tsumugi sighed. She began to spill the secrets that she worked hard to keep. About the flashlights. About the truth. Kokichi and Shuichi were mind blown.

"So what now?" Kokichi asked a bit later. Gonta and Maki were instructed to watch Tsumugi. "Well we should help Kirumi and Ryoma." Rantaro said. "No." Kaito said. "Now That We're in space- we can kill her!" He said. Kaito grabbed her roughly by the shoulders. "I'm going to chuck you into space." He said. Tsumugi shook her head wildly. "That's a horrible way to go!" She said.

"That's how space basket case wants to go." Kokichi sniggered. "The hell you say you little sh-" "Ooh Kaito-Baka this is a family friendly zone. You can't swear here!" Kokichi laughed. Kaito frowned "what?" Keebo picked Kokichi up bridal style. "H-hey! What are you doing!" Kokichi protested. Keebo held him closer. "It's the sound of your heartbeat." He said. Kokichi blushed and Kaito laughed at him. "S-Shut up! Kaito you're such a bulllly!" Kokichi whined.

"Just throw her in space." Keebo said. He was shocked because of his now gone ahoges purpose. Kokichi swiveled And now hung on to Keebo's back. "I wanna fly!" He commanded. Keebo grinned. He started up his engine. "Wait hold up!" Kaito grabbed Tsumugi. "Can we throw her in space?" He asked. Tsumugi paled. "Suuure!" Kokichi said. "Keebo!Bust open the glass!" "No that'll depressurize the entire craft!" Keebo said.

Kaito sighed. "Well?" Tsumugi grinned. "There's a flap in Kaito's lab for emergency exits." Kokichi said. "What? You found my lab?!" Kaito said. Kokichi nodded. "I guess you fulfilled your dream. You're in space." He said. Kaito sat down on the floor. He smiled. His eyes brightened. He laughed cheerfully for the first time in a while.
"You know Kokichi. You're not that bad. But I still hate you." "Rivals forever!" Kokichi hugged Kaito. "Get off of me!" Kaito protested. Keebo narrowed his eyes. "What a weird feeling." He said. "Jealous Keeboy? It's okay!"
Kokichi put his hands on Keebo's shoulders, his eyes sincere.

"I love you. And that's no lie."

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