Chapter ten: Its all up to you

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Kokichi stood in front of the crowd of ultimates. "Look. Most of you all hate me probably." Kokichi said. Everyone looked at each other. "I don't have a preference." Kiyo said.

Kokichi smirked. "You do. You were planning a murder. But that's not important right now." He said. "We need to fight. Tsumugi isn't here because she's the mastermind. We can prove it but we need you all to cooperate." Keebo nodded and started projecting the PowerPoint Kokichi made him with his updates.
"Shuichi you and Tenko need to be the first to the library. Make sure it's clear we're sending Maki and Gonta after in case you need help."

Shuichi and Tenko nervously walked down the hallway with their weapons. Maki had been asked to provide weapons in addition to the electo weapons. She allowed them full access to her weaponry with a shrug. Shuichi froze. In the middle of the hallway he and Tenko gasped in dismay.
Monokuma s
Hundreds of them lined the dimly lit hallway with dusty floors. They even got to the stairs. They were all scanning.

The metal bears laughed and swiped at each other, each one projecting a unique emotion. Shuichi narrowed his eyes and hid behind  The pillar with Tenko. Shuichi stared at Tenko. She nodded energized. "Just try not to die like a degenerate." She said. He chuckled and they charged.
"Miu. You don't want to rebel. But we need more electrobombs and hammers. We'll have you and Himiko work on that."

Miu worked at a much faster pace with Himiko there. The metal floor squeaked with their footsteps. The table was full of things they needed and if it wasn't, Himiko would go fetch more. "C'mon donkey lips! I need more things! I'm a genius not a god!" "Nyeh..... my lips are fine.... and my mana is low so you need to work faster.." The small red head carries a box full of nuts and bolts over to the crude blond. Miu huffed and took some out. "Don't rush me! I'm not a god damn laborer!" She declares putting her fireproof mask back on. Himiko gave a small sigh and a smile before going slowly back towards the supplies.

Himiko shivered and sensed something was wrong. "Nyeh.... I have to pee." She muttered. "HOLD IT OR GO IN YOUR PANTS!" Miu yelled. Himiko pouted and brought Miu a spare box of metal spares.

"Kaito..... we're sending you Kiyo and Angie to help fight. But we need Gonta and Maki to destroy that one exisal."

Maki's red eyes pulsed as she ran under the cover of the dark. Like a cat stalking its prey. Maki stared up at the exisal. It was massive. It didn't help that the whole thing was a bright red metal. The humming of the engine filled the night. She paused for a second. "Destroy one exisal. Just one." She muttered to herself. She glared up at the machine. The glass screen seemed to be a weak spot. She thought for a moment. Monotaro seemed to be either blind or refused to acknowledge her. Maki reached behind her. The crossbow parts tumbled out. Cold, wooden, deadly if done right. Maki ran her fingers over the crossbow. She remembered the last time she had used one.

"Then I can help Kaito." She whispered. She smiled to herself as she assembled her crossbow. Gonta was kicking Monokumas. Gonta frowned confused. His foot connected with another Monokuma face. "Why there so many?" "I have no idea. Maybe Tsumugi knows we're coming." "Gonta no like these bears." "Neither does anyone else." Maki said shortly. Shooting one more glance up at the machine, Maki felt Maki promptly jumped into the air and kicked through the screen entering the exisal.

Glass shards flew everywhere like flying crystal. The wind blew through her twin tails as the glass fell to the ground hailing the ultimate assassin. Maki stared daggers at the trembling monokub.

Monotaro screamed "HOW?!" He jumped out. Once she heard the thud of his feet, Maki contently smoothed her skirt and sat in the controls. The leather chair was quite comfy and the controller could be hacked with the remote Kokichi provided her. She traced one finger over the controller searching. The machine hummed to a stop and a restart. Maki could now control the exisal.

"Hm. Looks like the turd was right. So this is what it looks like." Maki smiled to herself. There were many buttons all in rows. A stick shift in the middle begging to be controlled. "GONTA!" She said loudly. "LETS GO!" Gonta nodded with a final blow to the monokumas on the floor leaving 300 dead monokumas on the floor.

"Lastly, Keebo and I will deliver new supplies and destroy everything in our way."

Kokichi stared at the sight before him and sighed. Monokumas appeared everywhere. They filled the halls with their sickening laughs and swiping at everything with their claws. Keebo shivered. "Kokichi if I am unable to survive-" "Keebo you're the most likely to survive. We just need to get this to Shuichi and Tenko." "Yes I'm aware." "Besides. I can always take over for ya." Kokichi smiled a genuine smile holding up the remote. Keebo shook his head. "Heck no. I hate that."

"Aww c'mon! It's super fun." "But for who?" "Me of course you bucket of bolts." "Kokichi I-!" Kokichi leaned in and whispered softly to Keebo. "You know I love you." Keebo smiled. Kokichi put his arms around Keebo.

"Now is not the time for this!" Keebo said. Kokichi pouted. "You're so meean!" He said. Keebo laughed. "Let's go!" Kokichi said. He hopped on his back. Keebo sighed. "I can't." "C'mon! It's just like that game in the casino. You plan and You win!" "Except I haven't beaten you at all." Keebo said glumly. "I'm too woke for you." "Oh stop." Keebo said. Kokichi snickered. "If anything goes wrong I'll take control!" He said smiling.

Kokichi and Keebo flew quietly through the hallways Keebo occasionally blasting monokumas that attacked. The air was thick with the smell of machines. Kokichi gagged at the suffocating smell. Keebo held him a little bit closer on his back. Kokichi nodded to him. "Look There's Shuichi! And Tenko and the others!" Keebo said.

Shuichi and Tenko were doing well with the others to fight off monokumas. Tenko slammed fifteen into the walls with a loud THUNK. Shuichi panted. They had been at it for a while. Where were the rest of them? Once Maki and Gonta arrived they fought their way to the library where the bookshelf door was closed. Shuichi frowned. They then heard arguing from a distance getting closer. Keebo and Kokichi had arrived with supplies.

Kokichi touched down and studied the way the monokumas moved. "Keebo." "Yes?" Keebo asked staring. Kokichi grinned. "Go get Himiko and maybe Miu if she wants to rebel." Keebo nodded. He flew away. Kokichi pulled out the real reason he wanted Keebo gone.

Everyone turned in shock as Kokichi threw down an electro bomb. Immediately all the monokumas shut down and fell to the ground like useless balls of tin. Maki groaned. "Why didn't you tell us you have those earlier?!" She demanded. Kokichi shrugged. He then picked up the remote and pointed it at the door. "Now she can't see us. Let's go." He said pressing a button on his remote.

The door beeped once. Then twice. It slowly slid open.

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