Chapter 13: Memory wipe

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Kaito and Keebo stared. Kaito yanked Rantaro up. He stared. "Dude you're alive?" He asked. Rantaro didn't answer. His eyes stared into an endless empty abyss. Kaito slapped him. Still nothing.
"Hey I think he's also drugged." Kaito said shaking Tenko into consciousness. Tenko quivered. "You don't think their ghosts do you?" She asked. Kaito jumped a foot into the air. "G-ghosts?! D-don't mess around like that!" He yelled as Tenko pulled herself up using his arm.

"I feel slightly calmer but they're all drugged?" She asked worriedly. "I guess so..... Kaede! Kirumi!" Kaito shook them both. Nothing. Like lifeless humans. Tsumugi had them drugged. And they were going to get their memories wiped.
Kokichi stared ahead at the building. "What makes you think that you can lead us all through your deceit?" Maki asked. Kokichi turned to her. "Well no one asked you to follow me. But I was right about Tsumugi. And I'm ready to trust others. Keebo is in there. Kaito and Tenko too. Don't you want them back?" Kokichi asked. Maki stared at the floor. "Yes. We do." "Then let's try." Kokichi said his face blankly serious. Shuichi smiles. "You've grown Kokichi." He said. Kokichi pretended not to hear. "Alrighty people. This is the plan. So we-" "Actually Kokichi Atua already has a plan." Angie stepped forwards. Kokichi smirked. "Actually Angie. Atua spoke to me! It was sooo amazing! He said that you are his prophet and you will let me lead this once!" Kokichi said beaming.

Angie narrowed her eyes but shrugged back with an "Atua is never wrong."
Kokichi stared at the door. "Always behind doors...." Shuichi said. Kokichi pushes it open and they step in.

Kaito paced around the cage. Keebo sighed. "Can you please stop? You are going to make us dizzy." Keebo huffed. Kaito sighed and stared at Kaede. "Maybe it'll wear off like Tenko." Kaito remarked. Tenko was kicking the bars with extreme accuracy. "Tenko can I have a hairpin please?" Kaito asked.

"Degenerate males may not touch my-" "it's to free Keebo." Kaito said no more. Tenko Handed him two. He smiled at her and she looked away "Please free him!" She said. Her energy infected the air and soon enough, Kaito picked the lock on his chains. Keebo slumped over.

"I still cannot move." Keebo said. The three froze. Footsteps and voices. Mechanical laughter. Tsumugi popped her head in. "Kiruuumi! We're ready for you!" She said. Kirumi's eyes showed no emotion. She simply walked forwards. Kaito grabbed her arm. Kirumi brushed him off. "Don't do it!" Kaito said.

Tenko's eyes watered. "M-maybe we should let her. After all she did murder Ryoma and try to throw us under the bus because she remembered." Tenko said. Tsumugi smirked. "I'm going to erase Ryoma next." She said. Tenko stood in front of him protectively. "No you aren't!" She declared. Tsumugi grinned and gave Kirumi a pill. "Swallow it." She commanded.

Kirumi complies. She falls over unconscious. "It's done. Now who's next?" "A pill? How unoriginal." Keebo said. "Ryoma. Come." Tsumugi said. Tenko and Kaito tried to grab him but he got past them. Ryoma swallowed the pill as well. "Now Kaede." Tsumugi laughed as Tenko visibly paled. "Heck no!" Keebo said. "Knock her out!" He said. Tenko roundhouse kicked her. Kaede immediately crumpled to the floor.

Tsumugi gasped. "You would knock her unconscious?!" "You're doing the same thing!" "Fine. Ranta-" Tenko knocked him out as well. "Ugh! Why did I abduct you?!"

"That's what we want to know!" Everyone turned. Kokichi stood there leaning on his hammer. Tsumugi gasped. She sent an exisal their way. "Gonta! Butterfly!" Kokichi commanded. Gonta threw Kokichi into the air. He then jumped as well. Maki swung her hammer back. The all slammed down on the exisal at the same time disabling it. Gonta caught Kokichi and put him down. "Give us the hostages." Kokichi said smirking at her dumbfounded face. "Kokichi!" Keebo smiled. Kokichi noticed Keebo slumped on the floor.

Tsumugi gasped. Kokichi cocked his head to the side. "What's the matter Tsumugi?" He asked. She then grinned. "Okay. I have better ones." She opened the cage door and threw Kaito and Tenko out. "We want Keebo too! Wait- Kaede?" Kokichi looked closer. "Gonta spy mom! And Rantaro too!" Gonta bellowed. He ran right past Tsumugi knocking her over and grabbing Rantaro and Kirumi. Tsumugi got up and ordered the monokumas to get him.

Gonta jumped back before they could. "Hmm." Kokichi stared at the others. His beloved Keebo. Kaede and Ryoma were there as well. His eyes misted for a second before he looked up with a menacing glare. Kokichi slipped behind the talking students and grabbed a Monokuma, ridding it of its head.

"Tsumugi you need to stop this and give up!" Kaito yelled. "Yeah! You're caught! Now surrender!" Maki said grabbing Kaito's arm.
Kokichi put the Monokuma head on and snuck past Tsumugi and the monokumas. The students grew more violent and Tsumugi did too.

"Kokichi?" Keebo whispered. Kokichi nodded. Keebo giggled at the moving Monokuma Head. Kokichi stared at him. He longed to give him a hug but opted to follow his plan. "Can you move?" He asked. "No." Keebo replied. "I thought as much." Kokichi pulled out the remote. "What? But how-" "Magic." "You're really going to lie right now?!" "At every moment possible Keeboy." "Pleeease?" "Tsumugi kept it on her and I stole it." Kokichi took off the monokuma head. "Like a thief." He said. Keebo grinned. Kokichi grabbed Kaede by the arm and dragged her forwards slightly. She complied easily. He then put Ryoma on Keebo's back.

Tsumugi pointed at them. "You can't escape! I will triumph!" She yelled. A laser shot through monokumas. Bits of debris shot everywhere. "ATTACK! KILL THEM ALL!" Tsumugi snapped. "EVERYONE RUN!" Kokichi demanded. The students ran for the exit, knocking over fighting despair bears on the way. Kokichi grabbed Kaede and controlled Keebo to shoot most of the monokumas in their way. Kokichi stared up at Kaede. Her eyes lit up once again. "Wh- Oww!" She clutched her neck. "What's going on? I died! K-Kokichi? Where's Shuichi? Monokumas?!" Kaede gasped as Kokichi led her through the swarm of monokumas. The exit was closing slowly. The light was dimming-

Kaito saw Kirumi's handcuffs. He took them. Tsumugi gasped as her hands were cuffed behind her back. Kaito dragged her out with them. Keebo flew out with Ryoma and Kokichi with Kaede. Tsumugi glared at them. Kaito dragged her out and he giant door closed, entrapping the monokumas with it.

Once everyone was out, Kaito held Maki's hand. They grinned at each other. "We did it!" Kokichi declared. Kaede took in everything. Her eyes whirled around in confusion. Keebo frowned. Kokichi winked at him turning his pale complexion scarlet.

They all cheered. Kokichi took Kaedes hand and led her to Shuichi. "Aah! Wait I'm not uhh-...." Kokichi tapped Shuichi's shoulder. "You were great kokich-" Shuichi turned around. Kokichi pushes her forwards. He stared at Kaede. She looked to the floor and then at his ahoge. She cracked a sad smile. "You- your alive?" "I-" Kaede swallowed. "I guess so." She said tears filling her eyes. She started to cry. Shuichi's lip trembled. His eyes watered. The tears flowed freely as he tackled her in a hug. "Kaede!" He sobbed. She hugged him back as she sobbed.

Kaito wiped away a tear and Maki stared at the floor. "They've come back to us." Keebo said. "And they're drugged at the moment but-" "who cares it's time to party!" Kokichi tackles his robot to the floor. "Kokichi!" Kokichi grinned from on top of him. "You know you want to." He said. Rantaro opened his eyes. "What happened? A shot put fell out of no where and then-" his eyes rested on Tsumugi. "You!" He said. Kaede stepped forwards. "I'm sorry R-Rantaro!!" She cried. Shuichi took her hand. Rantaro embraces her.
"Shh it's ok. What's wrong?" "I killed you!" "No you didn't." Rantaro said with slow realization. He pointed at Tsumugi. "She did."

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