Unfinished business

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Adrian is keeping something from me and i want to know what it is.

He still hasn't told me what the power of the giver resistenza's are and who else is just like me.

After hearing the conversation between Adrian and his best friend Jace i was up for a little game. If Jace wasn't going to tell me anything it sure seemed like his best friend would, for now though i should go back to the house and see how poppy is doing.

After the long walk home, i went to check up on poppy and i found her on the couch waiting for me with a brochure in her hand.

"Its your high schools brochure."

I was a bit confused to why she was showing me it, we had just started the summer holidays.

"Okay..?And what has my high schools brochure got to do with me?"

She gave me a sarcastic smile,

"This brochure has got everything to do with you little miss mayfield, i want you to go check out your high school, there are directions on the back"

I glared at her, feeling betrayed.

"You cannot be serious?"

"Oh well i am young lady, trust me, knowing the place your going to be spending the rest of your teenage hood will be an advantage, so get going."

I gave a grunt as i snatched the brochure out of Poppy's hand and i slammed the door on my way out.

The last thing i needed was to go look at the place that gave me physical pain just hearing about.

It took awhile to find the high school as the directions were written by a complete moron who didn't know their lefts from their rights.

I walked up to the sign which read "Rockwood High" Giving it a distasteful glare as if it would understand the hatred i felt towards it.

The thought of going to school after the holidays always seemed to raise anger in me. I would snap angrily towards anyone who would even whisper the word "high school".

I don't exactly know why, maybe it was because i never settled down properly at my old school but this new one didn't give me any reassurance that things would be different.

I looked around a little from the outside, the front of the high school was a parking lot for the yellow school buses that picked up the students and brought them to this hell hole.

Back in London, there were no such thing as school buses taking you to school so this was a little different.

After a couple of minutes of walking around a empty parking lot i noticed the doors to the high school. It was stupid to think that they would be open but i went over there anyway.

I gave it a good pull or two when suddenly the door unlocked, i thought i had busted it open with my grip but i was wrong when i saw a tall women wearing a formal business outfit walk out from behind the door to where i was standing, she reminded me of Macy with her curly hair and hazel eyes.

"Hello there sweetie,are you lost?" She was smiling at me, she seemed nice.

"Um no, I'm actually starting here as a freshman."

"Oh i see, well I'm the principal of the school you can call me mrs Lockhart and what is your name?"

She must be Macy's mother,

"Im Serena Mayfield."

Her smile disappeared and she looked at me as if i was piece of gum stuck to her shoe.

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