The Mystery Guy

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I was back at the forest and believe me if it weren't for the amazing persuasive skills of adrian i wouldn't be here.

Oh wait..i forgot to mention that on the way to the forest the guy back at the parking lot hesitantly told me his name. I didn't see what the big deal was, it was just a name.

Anyway, we were sat down with our legs in the water next to each other, our shoulders brushed past each other every so often when we moved.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Don't you think its beautiful, the colours,the flowers,the trees and the sky?" He always does this, he never answer me..but the way he was eyeing everything around him adoringly made my heart beat faster. He brought his attention back to me and gave me a smile while looking deep into my eyes.

"It was even prettier in the 1800s"

"And how would you know?" I asked emphasising on the word "you", he didn't seem like the type to search up how forests looked like in the olden times.

He lay down on the grass looking up at the blue sky, there were no clouds to be seen. He really seemed to be a nature person, i could really tell he enjoyed being out here. He probably comes to the forest often.

"I grew up here, i know a lot about this place, more than anyone else who lives here."

This time i was the one to lift up one eyebrow but mine was because i was confused,

"But surely the elderly have lived here longer and should know more about this place."

He sat up with his arms behind him keeping him upright, looking in the other direction from me. The way he was acting made me feel like i was bothering him or making him feel uncomfortable. "Just because they look old doesn't mean they are the oldest around here."his voice was muffled because his head was turned away, it seemed like he was talking to himself rather than to me.

I didn't understand why he was so secretive, when i looked him in the eyes all i could see was a mystery behind another mystery.

I decided to leave the subject alone..

I suddenly heard my stomach rumble really loudly, i instantly felt myself go red. I hoped he hadn't heard.

He turned towards me and i could see him laughing away.

"Its not funny!" I yelled, embarrassed and annoyed at myself."i haven't had anything to eat since i woke up"

He was still laughing but slowly his laugh cut off but every few seconds his laugh came back and he was chuckling to himself.

"You have some mighty tummy, i thought it was a monster coming to get us for a second."

I gave him my most deadliest stare and that shut him up, but i could tell when he turned away he was still having a good mental laugh about it.

When he had calmed down he sat himself around to face me. He reached behind him and grabbed his black backpack that i hadn't noticed until now, he opened the zip and reached inside.

"Here." He passed me a nicely wrapped ham sandwich.

I wasn't mad at him anymore, the way he can be a total jerk and then change into this sweet person made me forget he had any flaws.

"Thanks." I gave him a grateful look and turned away looking into the water while unwrapping the sandwich and taking a big bite.

I realised after having taken a few bites that out of the corner of my eye i could see Adrian watching me eat.

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