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Y/N wasnt a very active gamer. Its not that he disliked gaming, but he had other things in his life that had to come first. He was forced to spend time learning swordsmenship from his grandfather. He was also had to take extra lessons at school  because his parents said "He needed to be prepared for college". 

While he understood where his family came from, he was going into High School in a few months! He needed some time to himself! 

Thats why he started playing this game he heard about through listening to the conversattions of his classmates called Cross Reverie. Y/N was new to the whole gaming thing, so he asked in the server chat if their where any quests a new guy like him could do. Wanting to troll a new player the chat recommended a beginner quest to kill the Demon Lord Diablo.

Y/N: I wonder why this is a beginner quest if this guy is a so called 'Demon Lord'?

Y/N though things like this as his character walked into the Demon Lords chambers. Seeing a figure sitting on a throne. Y/N though that this was the guy he was suppost to kill.

[Y/N: Are you the Demon Lord Diablo?]

Diablo was ready to begin his evil monolouge. But when he saw the one before him was just a level 3, he lost all motivation to fight him.

[Diablo: Why does a level 3 approach me! Diablo!]

Y/N was confused. This didnt sound like something a A.I would say. And to add to the confusion, he say that the Demon Lord was talking through chat. 

[Y/N: Im suppost to kill you.]

[Diablo: Your a level 3. You wouldnt evel scratch a level 150 such as I!]

150? Y/N checked the level that showed above Diablo and it did indeed say 150. Y/N suddenly put all the peices together. The talking through chat, the high level, and why people in chat were spamming lol.

[Y/N: Your acually a player. Arent you?]

[Diablo: I am no mere player! I am the Demon King Diablo you noob!]

Diablo didnt want to waste anymore time with this guy. To teach this guy a lesson. He was going to use one of his strongest moves.

{Diablo: Be grateful! For I shall demonstate the infinte gap between our power!]

The effects on the screen when Diablo used his spell were incredible. While he did die, and was mocked by most of the server, Y/N didnt care. He only had one thing on his mind.

Y/N: That spell was so cool! I wanna learn it!

So Y/N then went back to Diablos lair. Only to be killed again.

This didnt shake Y/N one bit. Wanting to learn that spell, he asked Diablo to teach him. But to be expected, he was killed every time.

(102 Deaths Later)

[Diablo: Your not going to stop until you get what you want. Are you?]

[Y/N: Yep!}

Diablo didnt know what to do. He kept killing the stubborn Y/N. But he kept coming back. It happed so many times that they have a schedualed time to meet up! Fianally, much to his dismay he agreed to teach Y/N about Cross Reverie.

And that's what started a friendship that would last a lifetime.

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