Chapter 15

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When there is only thirty minutes of the train ride left, we stop. I kiss Katniss on the lips as a thanks and pick up my clothes from the floor. She does the same and we start dressing. When we are done she goes to the bathroom to fix her hair up, it got a little messy, but of course, that's no wonder. When she gets out, I put my arms around her waist to put my hands on her belly.

"She kicked like crazy all the time, you know." Katniss says and smiles at me. I feel a little worried and wonder if she is in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was that my fault?" I ask, starting to stroke her abdomen. She laughs.

"Yeah, it was. But don't worry, I didn't feel any pain. Or if I did, you made it go away." she kisses my jaw. "Could you braid my hair? My back starts to hurt awfully when I try." she says. I think for a moment. No one ever taught me to braid. Why would they have? But I've seen her do it a million times, and I've got a pretty good memory, so I think I could do a decent braid.

"Uh, okay, but don't expect too much, I have never done a braid before." I say and she sits down on the floor in front of the bed. I sit down on it, and run her hair between my fingers. It is so soft, I can't believe that anyone can have such soft and beautiful hair. I split her hair in three and start turning the three parts over each other. When I'm done, I feel pretty pleased with myself. Good for a first.

"Done!" I say, and she gets up from the floor and sits down on my lap.

"I love you!" she says and kisses me with a smile. Then she walks to the bathroom again to look at my masterpiece in the mirror.

"Wow. I didn't know you really could braid, Peeta! That's good! I really should ask you to braid my hair more often, it felt so nice." she says with a smile. I smile too.

"Well, it couldn't be possible for me to not know how to braid after all these years. You do it every morning." I say, and she runs, or tries to run up to me. Her big stomach gets too heavy for her to run with, so she loses her balance. Just when she is about to fall, I get up to her and grab her beneath her shoulders. She leans on me and catches her breath for a moment.

"Katniss, honey, are you okay? You shouldn't overstrain yourself. How about I carry you out of the train? It has stopped." I say with a serious voice. Katniss smiles when she hears the last part.

"Are you serious? I have gained a lot of weight, now, I'm not as light as I used to be. Or heavy. And yes, I'm okay now that you're holding me." she says with a doubtful voice. She doubts my strength. I will show her.

"Yes, I'm serious. I will carry you AND the suitcases. I'm stronger than you think." I say, raising my eyebrows and winking at her. She smiles.

"Well, do it then, superman, don't keep me and District Four waiting!" she says, and I lift her up in my arms and hold her like a baby. Whew! She really is heavier than before. But I won't complain. I've lifted heavier. I pick up the suitcases and walk out the door, and then out of the train. When I see what's waiting outside, I get shocked. Really shocked. There's like a massive crowd cheering and waving at us. My smile immediately fades and so does Katniss'. I try to push through the crowd, and they get out of the way a little. I didn't know we were this famous in District Four. I didn't even know that they knew we were coming. I mean, the only people that are supposed to know are Annie and Naal. And I don't think they would have told everyone on purpose. I mean, Naal wouldn't have done it even by accident, but Annie may have trusted the wrong person. Wow, now I sound like someone has commited a huge crime. It's not like that at all. But I know how little Katniss likes crowds, especially when the only people they are looking at are her and me, and as a bonus, they are now seeing her pregnant in my arms. When I see the parking lot, I see Annie and Naal standing beside a car. Naal looks like he would be about eighteen years old, although I know he is only fourteen. He looks a lot like his father. Annie didn't name him after Finnick, though, I think she wanted a new beginning. Like us. We won't name our daughter Prim or Primrose, Katniss struggles with the old Prim's name too much already. It wouldn't be good. Annie waves at us and you can see that she doesn't look as happy as she normally does. We walk up to her, the crowd following us in an irritating way. Katniss buries her face in my shirt, and I whisper:

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