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Ok sorry to be one of those author if you know the song on the top I'm so proud of you now on to the book
----------------------------------   Y/n
I just turned 13.  My dad flint-hart  glomgold  had always blamed my moms death on me and the way he took it out on me was
When I was younger was hitting  me and after I hit puberty he sexually abues me . one day I had just turned 13 while my dad was gone I packed a small bag and ran as fast as posable I went to ma beagle  to see if she would take me in  but she wouldn't  I then went to mark beaks and he wouldn't either so i then ran to Scrooge McDuck to see if he would take me in. half way there I passed  my dad and he then had his driver speed up and I was almost there i jumped the fence and ran to the door I got there and started crying and knocking really fast and hard and then someone answered the door it was miss. Beakly  answered the door and said " hello how may I help you " I answered with " please may I talk to mr. McDuck
I need in like right now " she let's me in and leads me to Scrooges office and knocked and said " mr. McDuck there's a young girl here that needs to talk to you" he answered with" let her in " she opens the door and let's me in I say" sir let me introduce myself my name is Y/n  glomgold I need you to take me in if that is ok with you mr. McDuck" he asked "why" and I started crying and said " my father abuses me every night i am 13 years old I will do anything to get away from him I can prove I'm abused by him " he answered with "show me " I pulled up me shirt and show him the bruises he says " use a make up wipe on it so I know it's real" i then pulled a make up wipe out of my bag and went over it and it didn't come off he says " you may stay with me I will have my  nephews help you find your room " i say " really Thank you  so so so so much" miss. Beakly says " mr. McDuck mr. Glomgold is here to see you so you want me to let him in" Scrooge answered with "no and beakly please go get Huey, Dewey, and louie" she replies with" yes sir" she then walks out and he asked me "why dose your dad do this to you" i answer with " because my mom died when I was born and it's a parentally  my fault it went from emotional to physical to sexual "  he looks shocked then there's a knock on the door he says" come on in " three boys my age come in and the one in blue asked " who is this Uncle Scrooge" the other two Shake there heads  with a questioning looks on there faces Scrooge looks at me with the 'go a head lass' look oh his face " hello  let me introduce myself my name is  y/n glomgold" the boys are getting ready to say something but Scrooge says " you will take her to a room with f/c walls and sheets and yes she is welcome for as long as she needs"I ask" mr. McDuck who are these lads" he then replies with "Huey" pointing at the one in red then to the one in blue "Dewey" the to the one in green on his phone " louie there my grand nephews" they all smile. I then say " it's a pleasure to meat you " I then yawn and and say" I'm tiered may I be showed to my room sir " he then replies with " of corse boy take her to her room" they then replied with " yes sir" I then say " thank you "
To be contued
Ok so I will post tomorrow night
Love, Angelica

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