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Dear reader
I fixed my writhers block because listened to sincerely, me from dear Evan Hanson
Love your dearest author ,
---------------------------------------/Y/n pov-----
So the next day I woke up and saw louie right next to me . I instantly start freaking out in my head I got up and left the room I then went to my room and got changed and went down stairs for breakfast I got there and see Scrooge at the table already I say smiling " good morning Mr.McDuck" he then says " morning lass are you on from last night" I give him a questioning look he says " last night you screamed and cry for a good twenty minuets" I'm shocked I then say " I did oh my god that's why louie was in my sleeping space" after I at that webby comes down and says " how are you y/n" I say " good! thanks for asking how are you this fine morning" she replies " good thank you for caring" I walked into the kitchen to se if miss. Beakly needed any help she said " yes go wake up the boys and Donald" I said "yes ma'am. Webby wanna help me wake up the boys" she says" yes! " I says " let's go then" we get up to webbys room an she opens the door we walk in we made a plan I get louie and she gets Dewey than us and the other two wake up Huey all together I walked over to louie and lay down next to him and kiss his nose and quietly say" wake up" he slightly opens his eyes and says " noooooooo" I say " yesssssss. Please it's breakfast pulse we get to wake up Huey and Donald" he insanity gets up and goes " I'm ready" we walk over to Huey and wait for webby and Dewey wile we were waiting louie puts his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder the other two get over we all nod to each other and all say at the same time "Huey it's time to get up" he shots up and yells " holy crap " we all laugh and say" let's go wake up Donald" they all agree and we all walk over to Donald's place and walk in and we walk to Donald's room and the triplets all say " uncle Donald it's time to get up " Donald gets up and sees me and webby and says who's the girl in f/c.I then say "hi I'm y/n" he says "hi" you all go to the breakfast table and sit down (it was Scrooge next to Donald and Donald next to Huey and Huey next to Dewey and Dewey next to webby and webby next to you and You're next to louie an louie is next to beakly and beakly is next to Scrooge. ) under the table I was holding Louie's hand and eating. Then Dewey asked "how is everyone today " I dreamily reply with " great" Donald asks " and why is that" I then say nervously " no reason at all " webby nudges me and whispers " uhu "
Gesturing to mine and Louie's hands with her eyes she asks "louie how are you " after a wile he then replied "oh ummm great. Thanks for asking " I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink. Then I left the room and webby soon flowed me and she found me in my room asked me " are you and louie a thing " then louie walks in and says" hey y/n we need to talk about ......" he sees webby and stops speaking and looks nervous
Ok so sorry for being annoying
Sincerely, me

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