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Sorry I haven't updated In like forever  so now on to the book
We told every body that it was a girl and her name was Thalia and so we had a baby shower and dipper  party and we had all we needed but little did we know we had a surprise.... We were having triplets yay! And so we named the out her two jazlynn and Paige   And so we had told the rest of them and they were super happy
~time skip to day of birth~
So we were in the hospital and I was in labor and it was finally over after twenty minuet.  They  all had different color eyes one had blue one had green and one  had brown they were all beutiful.
~time skip three years~
"Mooooom jaz stole my candy " Paige yelled
"Jaz give her back her candy" I said calmly and Jaz said Back" but moooom"
I say sternly " jazlynn duck give your sister her candy now " she said sadly " yes mom " I say " thank you hunny now let's go buy some new close"
Sorry this chapter was short
I will post soon

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