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And it said not pregnant I  then walk out and show them the share a Look and Lena says " not all tests are alway correct let's go get you a new one " I go "oh ok let's go" so me and the girls got ready and left
Time skip to at the store
We get there and we fined the test and grab one and get to the cash register and the casher asked with a huge grin" witch one is hopefully going to be a mom"  i put my hand up they say back " oh well let me tell you being a mom is worth the pain you go trough " I smile as pay and say thank you and walk out we then get back to my house and I go to the bathroom and take the test and it says I was pregnant I was smiling like a mad man and I walk out with a frown and say " guys I have some news..." They both look at my face and frown as well and then I smile and say super happy " I'm pregnant so call up Dewey and Huey and get them here now and Lena" Lena says "yeah " I say " call launch pad and tell him to stall for as long as e can and webby also call your grandma and Donald ok" they say at the same time " yes ma'am" we all smile and they get to there jobs and I go and put on a tight shirt and I had a bump I actually just thought I was getting fat so I put on one of Louie's sweet shirts on ad walk out of my room every one was here and I had louie held back for as long as he could be but I had Scrooge sent here ASAP and I walked out and said " ok soooo your probably questioning why your here well ... I'm pregnant and I want to tell louie when he gets here but I want you all here when I do incase he doesn't allow it " Scrooge gets up and walks over to me and hugs me I smile and hug her back and every one joins and then louie walks in and says what's happening I walk over and give him the test and smile he drops it and a back away now scared of what he was going to do he then hugs me and spins me around and says with the biggest smile ever " I'm going to be a dad " I say sarcastically " no it's Dewey's yes your going to be a dad " we were one happy family at the moment
~Time skip to the say we find out the gender~
"Congratulations it's a girl" said the nurse we then leave and let webby plan the baby shower

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