A/N And cinq

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I'm very sorry to inform you i might end the the book like I won't wright this book any more unless you guys want me too.Ok now I will put a chapter here btw just know the song has strong words and it's hamilton related
Louie's pov
( bet y'all didn't see that coming:p)
I woke up in f/c blankets I see I'm in webbys room and all the memories of last night came back I silently said " Merlin's beard what did I do" I got out of the spot walked to mine and my brothers room and changed. I walked down stares and got to the table and started eating breakfast and talking after I was done I went to my room to get the gift I got y/n and then went to y/n room and when I got there she was talking to webby and stop as soon as they see me and I tended up and walked out too See my brothers giving me odd look I say " what " the say at the same time " you and n/n are a thing now" wiggling there eyebrows it was weird so I said back to the weirdos " no?" I walk away then I here my name being called I turn around to be met with y/n's lips on mine I automatically kiss back
(Magical time skip twelve years brought to you by.........the Heathers and Veronica"
Only if you want of corse

Im sorry I am doing this but I'm getting into Harry potter aging and it's crazy addicting but I'm in it for the hot teenage boys :3 so yeah I will check in if you want more I will post the rest of this but if you don't then whoever reads this will probably be sad
JK I suck at righting and live I'm not kidding I just had a panic attack because someone said hi to me and asked me what my name was like in a wolfstar book I'm not kidding my mom didn't know what to do so she called someone that did witch happens to be my crush and I started freaking out even more because he touched me and if we get at least eighty reads I will show y'all what I look like and tell y'all a little bit about me of corse only if y'all want me too
Love ,

Louie duck x reader Where stories live. Discover now