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Calum tried to get to sleep, but the thought of her being touched by some other guy was keeping him up. He couldn't get images of her cheeks and her lips and every part of her face and body being kissed by someone that wasn't him.

He hadn't really thought about it all that much today because Luke had been distracting him, but now in the silence of his room with nothing but darkness around him, he was left with his racing thoughts and it was making it impossible to sleep.

"Calum? I can hear you moving from my room" Michael sighed from the doorway.

"Sorry, I can't sleep"

"Is it Hayley?" Michael didn't even really need to ask. He already knew the answer. It was always Hayley.

"Yeah, you can go back to bed, I'll try to keep still"

"Move over" Michael said, walking towards Calum's bed in the dark. Calum was surprised at first, but when Michael pressed down on the mattress, he moved over slightly, kind of laying on Hayley's side while Michael slipped in next to him. "You're gonna be fine, alright?"

Calum just nodded, even though Michael wouldn't have been able to see it.

"She's probably in bed next to him right now"

"Hey, don't think about that. Don't even think about her being in your bed. Just picture her, sleeping alone with that stupid stuffed monkey of hers, and she's dreaming of you" Michael said tiredly, and it made Calum feel a little bit better. Better enough to have him finally dozing off. And he dreamt about her thinking of him because he almost knew that kind of thing only existed in his dreams now.

Calum woke up cuddling Michael, and he jumped slightly, retracting from the other boy's body which woke up Michael, too. But then he got comfortable again, because it wasn't the first time he had cuddled with Michael, and carefully got out of bed. He couldn't sit in his room for any longer.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked as soon as Calum walked into the kitchen, and Calum just shrugged because he really didn't know.

"Is Ashton home?" Calum asked, grabbing the orange juice from the fridge and then grabbing a glass.

"Uh, no. He didn't come home last night" Luke said quietly.

"Right, so he slept at Hayley's. He went all the way to Hayley's" Calum wasn't really sure where Hayley had moved to, she never told him when she left, but he knew it had to be fairly far away. He felt extremely jealous because of the fact that Ashton had now seen her house and he hadn't.

"You don't know that" Luke sighed and Calum just rose his eyebrows at him, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Oh, so he just slept out on the street, then?" Just as Calum said this, Ashton walked into the kitchen swinging his car keys around his finger. Calum wasn't sure what he was really feeling towards Ashton at the moment. He didn't know how to feel towards him.

"Michael in bed still?" Ashton asks, walking over to the fridge next to Calum, and Calum decided he was definitely a little pissed off at his so-called best friend who was acting like nothing happened.

"Yeah" Luke says, playing with his cereal with his spoon. He had decided he wasn't very hungry anymore because he was so worried about how Calum was going to act.

"How're you today, Calum?" Ashton asked, and for anyone else it would be a normal, every day question, but for these boys it held a million more meanings. And Ashton asking Calum this made his old boil slightly.

"Fine" Calum said through his teeth and Ashton looked slightly taken aback.

"What's up?" Ashton asked and Luke sighed from his seat, making Ashton look at him and then back to Calum.

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