Jeongguk (pov)
It was late.
And jeongguk was having a drink with all his friends. Thou his face didn't hold a pleasant expression. His gaze was focused on the screen in which the cute couple were cuddled up together watching a Disney movie.If looks could kill, Taehyung would have been six feet underground. After seeing his cotton candy cuddled up in the arms of another man, Jeongguk couldn't hold his possessive instinct.
He wanted to rip him away and lock him up already. The only thing holding him down was Yoongi and Namjoon."Gguk calm down, they're just best friends" Jin tried to cool him down.
"Just best friend! Hyung they fucking kissed! And my baby was the one who initiated that!" Jeongguk yelled frustratedly. He couldn't get the image out of his head.
"Language Gguk! You may be in control but don't forget you're also our friend and I don't like it when you curse outside of business" Jin replied , giving Jeongguk 'i dare you to disobey me' look.
"Sorry hyung, but they kissed and now they're cuddled up, just wait till he see's my mark on him." Jeongguk said having a devilish smirk on his face.
"I don't think that's happening any time soon gguk, the moment he woke up after reading the letter he was too paranoid to notice the mark you oh so eagerly made and put on a turtle neck" Yoongi sarcastically snorted, drinking his third glass of wine.
"Just wait till he wears his night suit then, which reminds me I have to order a kimono for Minnie, I won't allow him to wear those tight fitted cloths in front of others." Jeongguk realized while grabbing his phone to look for ideas.
"Minnie? Huh you turned soft in a few days bro" yoongi scoffed after looking at his friends unusual behavior.
"Soft? Don't be absurd, how can the most feared person turn soft" Now it was Jeongguk turns to scoff at his friends remark.
"You meant to say smiling and giggling is not turning soft? Stalking your crush ain't soft? Ogling at him and buying him a fucking teddy ain't soft?" Yoongi scoffed.
"Enough! Yoongi stop cursing for once! And there's nothing wrong in showing affection! When you care for someone you show them how you care, and that cannot be shown by a stone cold heart!" Jin yelled back , to stop this argument. He doesn't want Jeongguk to worry about nonsensical things and let them come in between his happiness.
"Hyung that's not what I meant, it came out wrong, I'm glad our gguk found someone to make him smile and happy. Do you think I would not want his happiness! I was just telling him about his new behavior...that finally we saw something else than those glares and murderous looks for once" yoongi explained, out of breath .
"And Gguk, you may have found a soft spot for someone other than us and that's something which every person needs, we all need someone to love. But don't forget this, you have the power to protect him, you protect us , your men and now you have another person to protect in your list, and you can! Even if your rivals get to know about him, which I'm sure you won't let that happen, but if that ever happens you know how strong you are to kill them in an instant, you have the power to do so, so never think that love makes a person vulnerable but it strengthens you" Jin explained in a polite manner to get his point through his head.
"You're right hyung, I'm the Jeongguk, people fear me and I can protect my him, others should be worried because he makes me stronger and devoted " Jeongguk said making his friends proud of him.
"And don't worry you're not going to be the only one protecting him. You have us and our men as well, we all want you to be happy and if that boy makes you happy then we all are going to protect your happiness" yoongi declared taking a sip from his glass.
"Slow down on the wine Yoongs... I ain't carrying your drunk ass back up to your room" hoseok warned him earning a lousy mimic from Yoongi.
"I know, thank you" he ended it with a smile, closing his eyes wishing the days pass by quickly so he can finally have his cotton candy in his arms.
The only this stopping him is his baby's birthday.He's going to surprise him by starting a new life with him.
Jimin's (pov)
Taehyung was cuddled up besides the huge teddy bear after changing into comfortable cloths, waiting for jimin to come out. As soon as he heard the door Creek open he saw jimin coming out wearing a pajama and a loose shirt.
Jimin made his way towards his best friend and laid his head on the bears soft and furry belly. Both were absorbed in the comfort of the soft fur, fingers tracing randomly making an unknown pattern when suddenly Taehyung spotted a bluish purple mark engraved on jimins skin.
His mind immediately wondered that it could be a hickey but knowing how innocent jimin is and the fact that the mark wasn't there yesterday when he dropped jimin, he knew it wasn't a hickey. But being the curious boy he is, his hand made it's way towards jimins neck and tapped on it which caused Jimin to flinch back immediately alarmed by the sudden pain.
"Tae!" Jimin yelled at his best friend in a scolding manner.
"How did you get this Chim?" He asked Jimin, eyes fixed on the mark.
"What mark" Jimin asked confusion laced on his face as he followed his best friends gaze.
"How did this get here!" He said surprised after seeing the sudden mark. Taehyung leaned forward to inspect it, lightly touching it again making the younger flinch at the contact.
"I don't know it might be a rash or a mosquito bite" he suggested.
"Yeah I left my window open, some insect might have came and bit me" he told as he covered his neck.
"Taetae?" Jimin asked glancing towards Tae.
"Hmm" he looked at jimin to complete his sentence.
"Can we have lunch outside tomorrow and hang out at the mall?" He asked
"Sure Chim" he smiled and closed his eyes welcoming sleep.
Jeongguk (pov)
Laughter again filled his office as jeongguk slammed his face on his table.
"Oh God Jeongguk! A fucking mosquito bite! First Santa and now this! Oh I love this boy already" Hoseok said, slamming his hand repeatedly on the table not being able to control himself.
"Shut up all of you, he's innocent and that's what I love about him so shut up, I'm going to sleep" he declared and ran towards his room as he tried to hide away his embarrassment.
"You're going to be the death of me baby" he said as he layed down on his bed closing his eyes thinking about his cotton candy.
Once again sorry for being late. I had a lot of unfinished assignments to handle and my professor ain't that kind. 😬I hope you enjoy this chapter.
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♣️Mafia's baby♣️(jikook) [C]
FanficJeon jungguk. A very powerful name. people fear to cross his path or even mention his name. people know clearly about his dangerous personality and how possessive he is . what's his stays his and no one can even think about taking it away from him...