♣️chapter 40♣️

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As per their plan, the room in which Jeongguk spent the last few weeks was locked so no one could enter. Right now no one knows about Jeongguks awakening except for his best friends and Taehyung. There was no chance to take a risk and let the word spread out as they feared the mole was still present and might inform his boss.

Soon after they left, Jin had dragged Taehyung to his room and lead him to the safe place through his secret door, that was build in case they ever need to escape. Currently both of them were waiting patiently and hoping everything goes as planned.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" Taehyung tapped jins shoulder, breaking the silence.

"Of course, what is it?" Jin replied and turned towards him, giving him his full attention.

"What happened to Jeongguk?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, is there something wrong with his head, because they way he screamed that way in pain wasn't an act" Taehyung asked, recalling what happened that day, how Jeongguk had exploded on Jimin's little act and went crazy and then the next moment he was holding his head screaming in pain.

"You're right, that wasn't an act" Jin agreed, catching on what he was asking.

"W-why did he act that way?" Taehyung asked, not sure if he could ask such a personal question but if he's going to be here, he deserves to know.

"There's no point hiding it from you, you're family now" Jin replied making the younger smile at his words, it's been a while since someone asides jimin who called him his family.

"You already know that we all go way back right" Jin began and Taehyung nodded encouraging him to continue.

"We've known each other since grade 3 and trust me when I say it was heck normal back than, or that's what we thought. At school Jeongguk was always the most cheerful and energetic out of us all, always competing, dragging us to different events, finding new places. There was something that I had once found odd and that was Jeongguk spending most of his day and night out, he hardly went home and never invited us there as well"


"When ever we asked him he would brush it off saying that no one's home or make up a lame excuse. At that time we left it. And that's how our highschool passed away. We had all planned to study together and rent a small house for us. Everyone joined in except Jeongguk and that year we got to know about his psychotic and abusive father when one night he came unannounced covered in blood"


"Yeah we were all shocked to find him like that, during those years his whole personality changed, he wasn't that bubbly kid we all were fond of. That day he told us how his father abused him and made him suffer" Jin's voice trembled a bit as he recalled what Jeongguk had told them.

"Like what? It can't be that bad to make him go through this... Through this trauma" Taehyung asked. Being a psychology major he tried to join in the dots.

"It was, his father blamed him for his mother's death, she was an amazing women who loved Jeongguk to death. The love she gave him he never got it from anyone else except jimin now. No one made him feel that much love for him to go crazy over." Jin smiled.

"You have no idea how excited he was the day he saw jimin, it was like we got the old Jeongguk back"

"But why did he blame Jeongguk?"

"He blamed him for his mother death, saying that if it wasn't for him and his studies she would have been alive. His mother was dealing with cancer, she was aware of her condition but hid it so Jeongguk could complete his studies as they weren't that well off but when she died his father went mad. He used to punish him ever single day. Jeongguk used to wear baggy cloths but it wasn't because he wanted to, it was because he had to, he had to cover his bruises and cuts. That man used to drown him, hit him, burn him just to release his pain he felt every single day when he saw him. Because he reminded him of her"

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