♣️chapter 36♣️

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Jimin's (pov)

Jimin couldn't hold himself anymore and allowed the tears to brim his eyes, still not giving the answer the said male wanted.

Edwin tightened his hold, forcing the younger to look at him. Jimin could already feel his fingers bruise up his cheeks as he flinched and started to sob.

"I said am I fucking clear!" He yelled at jimin forcing him to agree by giving him a light nod. His cheeks all red and along with his eyes all puffy.
As soon as his cheeks were released from his hold jimin turned his face away, not wanting to see his face anymore and continued to sob slowly.

Edwin clutched his fist as he looked closely at the damage he has done. His fingers were imprinted in blue and purple colour on the pink haired boys rosy cheeks with his crystal clear tears cascading down the bruised surface, damping his pillow.

"Look what you made me do! None of this would have happened if you had agreed with me!" He yelled again making jimin shut his eyes as he tried to block away the yells coming his way.

"P-please stop s-screaming! You're scaring m-me!" Jimin hiccuped making the older quite down feeling guilty for how he behaved.

"You said you're hungry tell her what ever you need and she will make it for you" he said ignoring Jimin's request to quite down. He doesn't like it when someone disrespects him but for now he will play it cool.

"A-at least free my hands it h-hurts" jimin said looking up and just like anyone else Edwin himself couldn't ignore Jimin's request especially when he was looking at him with teary eyes and a soft pout on his plump lips. How badly he wanted to devour him but he had matters to attend.

"Fine Alana come and tend to him" he ordered and made his way outside after giving jimin one last look.

The old maid felt bad for the pink haired boy as she rushed towards him to untie his ropes.

Once his hands were free he quickly cradled them as he looked at the old lady before him.

"T-thank you" jimin thanked her not forgetting his manners, making the old lady smile. Even in such situation she found it pleasing for the said boy to remember his manners.

"No need to thank me wait here let me get you something for your bruise" she replied kindly as she left jimin and made her way towards the bathroom to get a first aid box.

Jimin slowly sat up and partly lifted up his shirt observing his flat tummy to see if there was any damage and signed gratefully when he found it unharmed. He wouldn't have been able to forgive himself if something happened to his little bub. He guided his hand towards his stomach and caressed it softly as if assuring the unborn inside him that everything is going to be okay.

Jimin was too absorbed to notice the horrified look on the maids face. If her boss got to know about this he would definitely kill the baby inside him. She quietly went towards the main door and locked it telling the guard in case he tried to escape.

"Oh dear boy are you perhaps expecting?" She asked worriedly in a hushed voice as she approached jimin. Jimin smiled towards her and gave her a slight nod, blushing as he got caught.

"Y-yes Halmeoni I got to know just yesterday" he sadly replied looking down. She took a deep breath and decided to do the right thing. She took Jimin's hand between her warm ones and started to treat his wounds.

"Listen son, I'm not sure what's going to happen but for now don't let anyone know about this" she warned as she applied the cream on his bruised hands.

"I know"

"I'll try to take care of you but don't anger boss I wish I could help you and inform this Gguk? You talk about but I can't" she replied.

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