♣️chapter 42♣️

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*A few hours before the invasion*

"I don't care! I need to see him"

"Try to understand for onc-"

"Please! Just take me there to meet him, I-i c-can't" the begging voice shattered at the end, not being able to control it's emotion and started to cry in the comforting embrace of his husband, his one hand on his baby bump.

"Fine, just calm down. Im just waiting how yoongi told me to" chanyeol replied comforting his pregnant lover, not wanting to stress him out more.

Taehyung (pov)

It's been a while since both, Taehyung and Jin were cramped up in the room in case anything happens. The maid constantly came to check if any one of them needed something but other than that no one was allowed to come.

"Don't you miss your family Taehyung?" Jin asked randomly out of nowhere, startling the younger.


"Your family Tae, don't you miss them?" Jin asked smiling towards the younger.

"I-i don't have one, Jimin's my family" the younger smiled but Jin could clearly see the pain and sadness behind those innocent orbs.


"When I was younger I had a perfect family not knowing my father was a homophobic. The day when h-hyung got caught appa tried to kill him so he had ran away" Taehyung started as he wrapped the comforter around himself missing Jimin's warm hugs at the moment.

"Where is he now?" Jin asked.

"I-i don't k-know, he promised to come back but never did. The same thing happened to me but a bit worse I was too young and eomma had helped me escape him with a few dollars and that's where I met jimin and his family" he smiled recalling how they met and started a new journey towards their friendship, how accepting and kind the Parks were.

"You guys really do go way back" Jin smiled looking at how fondly the younger talked about his best friend.

"Yes! He was the only family I had ever since because later on e-eomma was found dead and a-appa was in prison for life" he cried completing his past. It still pained him to recall how unfortunate his life was before, how he ruined everything by coming out and standing for who he was. If only he had stayed quite maybe his eomma would have been alive. But he never regretted it, because it led him to jimin who showed him how beautiful life is and how to never judge people because everyone has a false facade.

"Sshh it's okay Tae, what happens is always for the best, you may not see it now but later on you will" Jin comforted him, taking him into his warm embrace. Both were having a quite moment when they heard a light knock towards the door, alarming the two as they both sat up.

"Sir it's me, the maid" a low voice called out.

"What is it?"

"There's someone who came to meet you, he said he's a friend of yoongi and came by his order"

"I'm coming wait" Jin replied confused. Yoongi is locked up then how can a person come by his order.

"You stay here and don't open the door till you know it's me" Jin ordered and went outside to greet the stranger.

As he walked pass the corridors he made sure to check his reflection to see if he looks in some what of a decent state and not as if he was locked up. He turned the corner to meet a couple settled down talking in hushed voices. His eyes lingered towards the other male who seemed to have a baby bump showing.

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