♣️chapter 28♣️

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Taehyung (pov)

"So do you think they unlocked the door yet?"

"Nope, now sleep Chim I'm tired" Taehyung mumbled in his sleepy voice as he tried to sleep after Jimin had joined him.

"I know they locked it to protect us but it's a bit too much" Jimin huffed, annoyed.

"No Chim, not even locked doors can protect you, sometime-" Taehyung immediately halted as he realized what he was about to blurt out.

"Sometimes what?" Jimin asked.

"Nothing just sleep" Taehyung said as he quickly turned around and snuggled more into his stuffed animal.

"But what if Ggukie needs me to come back, I can't sleep back again once I've woken up" Jimin explained as he snuggled between the warm blankets.

"Shut up he's not a 2 year old"

"Look who's talking, the one who sleeps with a stuff animal" Jimin smirked as he saw his best friends cheek turn red.

"He's all I have so zip it, I made Hoseok hyung get this from my apartment" Taehyung defended himself.

"You have me too!" Jimin squeaked as he hugged Taehyung from behind, resting his head against his best friends back.

"Of course I do, now sleep" Taehyung smiled as he patted jimins pink hair. He was truly Taehyungs life support. People say jimin is lucky to have such an amazing and loving friend but the truth is, it's Taehyung who has an angel as his friend. He made him forget everything and move on. He made Taehyung learn to live his life freely, how his mother had wished him to be.

Taehyung was about to close his eyes when he felt a soft poke on his back.

"What is it Chim?" Taehyung asked as he turned around to face the younger.

"Give Minnie a kiss first, I can't sleep without one" jimin said, his cheeks starting to have a slight tint of red.

"Huh, that muscle pig is spoiling you too much" Taehyung remarked as he smiled at his best friend, looking so cute and cuddly. Sometimes he wished to just squish the living daylight out if his cheeks but sadly he'll get hit with his small fist.

"He doesn't and he said I can get what ever I want" jimin replied as he puckered his lips.

Taehyung laughed and quickly leaned forward and landed a quick small peck on jimins plump lips.

"Here happy? Now sleep" Taehyung laughed as he closed his eyes.

"Hehe night night Taetae" jimin giggled as he moved forward and cuddled next to his best friend.

Soon jimin was out like a light, soft snores coming from his parted lips.

Taehyung on the other hand was busy looking at his old stuffed animal.

He wasn't joking when he said that the bear was all he had left. He never told Jimin what happened during his highschool days. He tried to avoid such talks Everytime the younger would ask him to tell a bit about himself. He wasn't shy or anything, he just didn't wanted his only best friend to know how fucked up his life was before.

He still remembers, how his father had reacted when he had confessed to them about his sexuality. He remembers how fast his dad had grabbed his belt and dragged him to his room and hit him till he bleed. He clearly remembers his mother's constant scream coming from outside the door to stop him. He clearly remembers how he had begged his father to stop but he didn't.

And he still remembers how he had woken up in his dark room, locked away with no food for a week.
"M-mommy open the door!" Little Taehyung had yelled countless time.
"Tae-tae is scared it's too dark! Ask Dad to let me out!" The poor 15 year old boy had cried and banged on the wooden door repeatedly to get someone's attention. "I-m h-hungry" fue boy had pleeded thousand times But no one came. His father didn't allow anyone to enter the room and Taehyung only had this purple bear. People used to make fun of him for having such an odd looking bear but he never listened to them, he loved that soft plushie because when no one else came to his aid or to keep him sane inside that door, this bear was there. He kept him sane and listened to his cries.

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