♣️chapter 23♣️

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Light sounds of whistle could be audibly heard in the narrow hallway, as Jin made his way towards the kitchen to help prepare a breakfast for everyone. It wasn't his duty or anything but he was used to taking care of everyone and making their meals or helping the chefs in doing so.

Plus he got bored, when Namjoon isn't around he has nothing to do much. Jin used to own a bakery but due to some unfortunate events, he had to shut it down after he was shot. Namjoon wasn't willing to take a risk after what happened about a year ago, he couldn't bare to feel the same pain again.

Jin casually entered the kitchen but stopped as he saw an unexpected sight in front of him.

"Yeah put that glass there and make sure the spoon is of plastic or wood chim doesn't like metal"

"Okay, anything else?" The maid asked as she assembled the tray, guided by Taehyung.

"No I'll take care of the rest" he replied as he continued to peal the apple.

"What on Earth is going on here" Jin finally asked, not getting the situation.

"Oh jin hyung you're here!" Tae replied excitedly as he finally saw his hyung standing there confused.

"Yeah but why are you preparing a tray, aren't we supposed to eat at the table together, if you don't remember" Jin explained as he grabbed a glass of water.

"Oh I know but chim can't come down today" Tae said as he smirked.


"He can't move much Hyung, I'm sure my poor chim is sore" Tae mumbled as he sat down next to his Hyung.

Jin glared at Taehyung still not getting what the younger was hinting at as he took a sip from the glass.

"My best friend got layed!" Tae yelled as he got up making Jin spit out his water.

"What The Fuck are you talking about!" Jin screamed as he wiped off the dropping water from around his chin.

"Hyung you aren't that dumb now, are you" Tae smirked as he took hold of the tray and made his way towards the third floor.

"You get back here and explain-"

Jimin's (pov)

Jimin was greated by soft breaths and feather light kisses on his neck coming from behind him as he tried to cuddle in more towards the unknown source of warmth.

He tried to wiggle his arms out from a strong hold around his waist as he tried to find a comfortable position to go back to sleep again, not wanting to open his eyes to the harsh sun rays yet.

"You up Minnie?" Jimin heard a deep voice whisper from behind him as he felt a soft kiss being landed on his pink locks covering his forehead.

"N-no Minnie is sleepy" the younger mumbled, making Jeongguk laugh and coo at his adorableness.

"Oh really, then who's replying me back" Jeongguk teased as he tangled his fingers in between his locks, enjoying the soft texture.

"I am!" jimin giggled, now awake as he tried to control his giggles. Jimin turned around and faced the older, peeking from underneath the covers.

His eyes widened as he saw Jeongguks bare chest and recalled the previous night events, blushing madly making the said male laugh at his reaction. Jimin imediately peeked under the covers to check if he was naked or not and panicked when he saw his bare body covered by the soft silk covers.

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