Chapter 18

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   Eva's Pov

"No I'm not", i said turning to glare at Keith just as we rounded the corner, towards 1st period.

  "You are, it wasn't even much of a distance, but you were already sweating and gasping for air.

  "You seriously need to go to the gym",he said with an amused smirk on his face.

  Wait...!!!, did he just insinuate that I'm fat?... Hell no!!

  "Are you saying I'm fat?",i said staring at him with my eyes narrowed.

  Just because i love to eat a lot,and hate any form of exercise,doesn't mean I'm fat...

   "N-no i didn't mean to say you are fat, i just wanted to say you need to exercise more", he said, his words coming out in a rush.

  "So you are saying I'm lazy?", i asked staring at him challengingly.

   Ok... Right now I'm just twisting his words..

   "Oh god.. No..", he began but was cut off by my laughter.

  "Can't *laugh* believe *laugh* you *laugh* fell *laugh* for *laugh* it",i said between laughs.

   "Y-you....", he began again.

   "Yes me, i don't really care if I'm fat,i have gotten used to my body",i said flipping my hair over my shoulders obnoxiously.

   "That was really mean", he said,pouting.

   I rolled my eyes,before standing on my tip toes and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  "Better?",i asked,adjusting my bag strap.

   "Umm, no, what about a real kiss on the lips this time",he said lightly touching his pouted lips with his fingers.

  "Umm No",i said before turning towards our classroom, hearing Keith groan in frustration,making a smile appear on my face.

   Once we entered the class, all eyes turned to stare at us,making me really uncomfortable..

  Even though we were two minutes late, the teacher let us go easily,since she had not started teaching by the time we arrived.

   Taking my sit next to the wall, Keith slid in next to me,making the eyes on us widen.

   "I hate this", i mumbled under my breath.

   "It would all pass very soon, they would find something else to talk about", Keith said, obviously hearing my statement.

   Giving him a small smile and a small nod,i turned my attention back to the teacher, deciding to pat attention to him.

   Turns out Keith was right, by the time lunch rolled by,people had gotten over the fact that Keith and i had shown up to school and class together.

   "Come on lets get to lunch", Shirley said grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the lunch room.

   As we walked towards the lunch line, we passed by Alex's table,were he now sat with Sasha and her friends and some guys from the football team.

   Alex was engaged in a tongue battle with Sasha,making me avert my eyes immediately i noticed them.

  "Lets walk faster", Shirley said, pulling me away from them and to the lunch line.

   Shooting her a grateful look,i grabbed my lunch,just as she grabbed hers.

   We took our sit at our usual table. Just as i was about to take a bite from my pizza, a voice interrupted me.

   "Hey Eva", Sasha said, a smile on her face.

  "Sasha", i gritted out, letting my greasy pizza drop back on the plate.

  "Heard you've decided to move on, or should i say whore around with Keith?", she said, making it sound like a question.

  "And what would it matter if i tried to deny it, you would still believe your own story", i said rolling my eyes, making her smile turn to an evil smirk.

   "Glad you know, but i just want to warn you, they are all the same, players never change, this thing you have going on with Keith,would end up like what you had with Alex, so you might as well stay away from him", she spat disgustingly.

   I stared at her in awe, whats wrong with this girl?, isn't she satisfied?, has she not succeeded in taking Alex from me?...

   But... She's right, they are all the same, he'll leave me once he finds out that i can't give him what he wants.

  Tears pooled up in my eyes,threatening to fall, as i tried hard to keep it in.

  "What's your deal Sasha?", Shirley asked, angry already.

  "She is---", she began but was cut off by another voice, but this time it sounded angry.

  "You're are such a slut Sasha, why don't you just leave her alone, and go back to the hole you call a home, and stop being such a pain in the ass", Keith said, his voice sounding angry and frustrated, making Sasha shrink in fear.

   "You are so lucky i don't hit girls,because by now you would be crying about how i broke your perfect nose", hs said glaring at her, making her eyes widen in fear, before she scurried away,probably realising Keith was damn serious.

   He turned to look at me, just in time to catch a tear slid down my cheek.

  "Shit..", he cursed before walking towards me, and grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the lunch room,but not before sending the other guys a look i couldn't decipher.

   "Where are you taking me to?", i asked sniffing.

   "I wanna show you something", he said pulling me towards the gym.

  Once we reached the gym,he made me sit on the bleachers as he stood in front of me, running a hand through his hair frustratedly.

  "Eva, listen to me and don't interrupt", he said taking my hands in his looking into my eyes intently.

  I nodded, still shocked from Sasha's outburst.

  "Eva, don't let what that slut Sasha said get to you, i really like you a lot, heck i might even love you, all you need to know is that, nothing no one or anyone says can change the way i feel about you... And i will wait till you are ready", he said letting my hands go.

   I stared at him, trying to find out how i got so lucky to have someone like Keith in my life.. If only i had been with Keith from the start and not that jerk, Alex.

  Walking up to him, i cupped his face in my palms.

  I closed the gap between us,crashing our lips together, earning a groan from him,as he quickly responded to my kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist, his grip strong and firm.

  Pulling away slowly, trying to catch my breath, i stared into his eyes before whispering.

  I like you too...........

I heard his breath hitch as he broke into a wide grin, twirling me around.

  Hey lovelies
To all those reading my book, this may or may not be the last chapter of STYB...

  Love y'all, please vote and comment below...😍😘

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