Chapter 15..

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  Eva's Pov

  People turned to look at Keith and i as we walked out of the bathroom,but we ignored them.

  I came to an abrupt stop,making Keith stop with me.

"Um..,thanks for everything",i said shyly gazing at him.

  "Like i said before, you're always welcome",he said flashing me a grin, his pearly white teeths on display..He looked so cute with his boyish grin... Why haven't i noticed this before??..

  ''Eva?..Eva??..",i heard him call my name,immediately i snapped out of the trance.

  "Um sorry,i got to go to class",i said hitching my bag strap higher up my shoulders.

  "Yeah, me too, i guess I'll see you at lunch?", he said as he started to walk away,but backwards, so he was still facing me.

"Sure",i said before flashing him a smile and walking away.


 I haven't seen Alex through out today,and if i see him,I'm just gonna ask him why he did this.

  "Hey,ready to have lunch?", Shirley asked linking her arm with mine,pulling me towards the cafeteria.

  "Uh sure", i said shooting her a small smile.

  When we entered the lunch room, everyone was staring at us,i mean all eyes on us. I was getting irritated and uncomfortable.

   "You guys should really learn to mind your own damn business",Shirley said to a group of freshman girls eyeing us,with a glare.

  They immediately turned their eyes away,seeing that Shirley was ready to fight with them any minute from now.

  "Lets go Shirls", i said pulling her away, and to the lunch line.

   We bought our food,and took a sit at an empty table close to the windows.

  My eyes scanned the room,looking for Keith who was supposed to join us for lunch, but they landed on Alex who was sitting with a group of football jocks, with Sasha on his arms,looking like a love sick puppy.

   I decided to go talk to him, at least hear him out.. I'm giving him the benefit of a doubt, for all i know,Sasha could be lying.

   With that thought in mind,i got up and began heading towards his tablr,ignoring Shirley's calls and my logic.

   "Hey Alex", i said rubbing my arms nervously as all eyes were turned to me including Sasha,only difference was that her's was glaring.

  "What?!", he said with a bored look on his face. So i bore him now?...

  Choosing to ignore his rude response, i proceeded to talk to him.

  "Can i talk to you in private",i said hinting at thw fact that i do not want Sasha or the other guys to hear.

  "You can say whatever you want to say here,he's not going anywhere with you", Sasha said still glaring at me.

  I resisted the urge to break her perfect little face.

  "No its fine", Alex said getting up and following behind me.

  "Talk",he said arrogantly,as soon as we were out of the cafeteria.

  "What's the meaning of all this Alex?",i asked pained.

  "What?!",he asked feigning innocent.

  "You and Sasha, when...? How...?
Where...?", i asked, my voice shaking.

  "If you're expecting me to apologize or beg for your forgiveness, then you've got another thing coming",he said glaring at me.

  I was speechless, he was acting so cold and weird.

  "But-", i started but he cut me off.

  "You should have seen this coming,you were just a cover for me, you were a distraction,and a very boring distraction at that",he said,referring to when i refused to have sex with him.

  My anger flared up at that statement,i didn't know when i raised my hand and slapped him across his cheek, it was so lpus and strong that i felt a sting on my palm.

  I realised what i had just done,in fear,i looked up to see Alex's eyes blazing with anger. Uh oh..

   He grabbed my wrist, driving me to the wall, making me slam my head on the lockers,my vision was darkening.

  He raised his curled up fists to hit me, when...

  "Let her go you dimwit", i could faintly make out the voice of Keith since my vision was bluring,i couldn't make out his body.

  Alex was forcefully pulled away from me,my wrist hurt because of how hard he had gripped it.

  I could hear the sound of bonea breaking,as Keith continued to beat up Alex.

  "Shhh, its gonna be okay Eva", Shirley said wrapping her arms around me as i fell to the floor,since nothing was holding me up anymore.

  I blacked out because of the pain in my head.


Keith's Pov..

Eva just found out today that Alex has been cheating on her, i don't know if i should be happy,or be sad for them. But I'm definitely angry at Alex.

  When i first heard it,i was upset and shocked.

  I confronted him,and he said was.

"I know you like her dude, you can have her cause I'm done with her, but heads up, she's trash".

  I punched him as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

"I like her... Yes and you just crossed the line by calling the girl i love trash", i said as i punched him.

   Damien pulled me away from him,reminding me that we were still friends, something i had forgotten,the moment he hurt Eva.

  I shut Sasha up when she accosted Eva.

Walking to class with Eva was nice though we didn't talk much.

  We agreed to meet during lunch, but i was running late because we had to finish an assignment in physics.
   Once i finished, i dashed towards the cafeteria, i entered and walked briskly towards her table,ignoring the looks people were giving me.

  "Where's Eva?", i asked as i sat down opposite Shirley and Mark, noticing she wasn't with them.

  "Um.. She's talking to Alex", Shirley whispered, fearing i would get angry.

  "What!!", i said,shooting up from my sit,i dashed towards the door,not caring if Shirley and Mark were behind me or not,just in time to see Alex gripping Eva by her wrist,making her slam her head on the wall.

  It was when he raised his fists to hit her,that i jumped into action.

"Let her go you dimwitt", i said pulling him away from her, before landing a blow on his jaw,then a round house,making him lay on the floor wincing in pain.

I kept on punching him,he only managed to get a few hits in,but the rest was all me..

I was pulled off him by an angry and worried looking Mark,i could care less if he was angry,as for me,i was raving mad. Before i could yell at him,he pointed towards Eva who had slumped on the floor  unconcious, next to a worried looking Shirley.

  I ran to her and scooped her into my arms, rushing to the nurse's office...

   'Please be okay!'

   ' please!!'


   Sorry for the late update, i decided to take a break because of school and other stuff...

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