Chapter 4

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Pic of Mark above👆

  Eva's Pov
"You what!",Shirley shouted making half the lunch room give us a weird look as i told her about Mark and Keith...
   "Sshh",i said glaring at her
   "Sorry",she muttered but she did not look the tiniest bit sorry.

   "I just can't believe you flirted with the quadruplets", she said dreamingly..
   "What..hold up,there was no form of flirting whatsoever in our conversation,maybe Mark did flirt,but Keith certainly did not",i said waving my arms around.
     "Who's Keith?",she asked confused..

     "He is...ugh, look over there"i said nodding head towards Keith who was sitted among his friends,who were all sitted a few benches
away from us
    "The one wearing the hoodie with brown hair",i whispered so they wouldn't notice.
    "Oh you mean the one with brown hair!?",Shirley shouted, catching their attention..
   They turned to us,i quietly planned my funeral in my head, everyone should wear pink,cause it would be so funny..
  Mark's confused look turned into a wicked grin once he saw me,my heart dropped once he got up and began walking towards our table, Shirley noticed this cause she began to shake a little nervously..

   I watched his every move like a predator stalking a prey,he stopped right in front of me grinning..
    "Hey Eva"
  Oh No!!
"Oh uh hey",i said slowly trying to get rid of any awkwardness coming from my side.

  "Come on,won't you introduce me to your lovely friend",he said winking at Shirley.

   "Shirley..Mark,Mark..Shirley",i mumbled.
   "H hey",Shirley said

   "Hey",Mark said grinning,i think he tends to do that a lot.
   "Lets go meet my friends,since i have met yours",Mark said pulling me off my chair, i'm sure by now,the whole lunch room was watching us.
    I was dragged to their table, while Shirley followed behind, laughing at my predicament, i'm glad she thinks it's funny,cause it would be funny to me when i get her back.
    "Guys, meet Eva and her friend Shirley",Mark said plopping down on his seat, taking me with him,Shirley just Sat beside me.

    "Hey Eva"

Were his responses..

"That's Alex,next to him is Keith who you already know,then lastly is D..."he was cut short by blondie.
   "Derek..Derek Monroe", he said grinning..

    I stared at him like i usually do,making him squirm under my gaze, i felt Shirley giggle from beside me and Mark and Keith laugh..
    "What happened to 'Jack...Jack Frost?",i asked rolling my eyes.

    "You saw that?"Mark asked amused.i just nodded.
     "Told you not all girls are stupid"
     Derek just blushed embarrassingly,averting his gaze from mine.
    I looked over to see Shirley deep in conversation with Mark,Alex was busy on his phone, and Derek was still embarrassed..
    So i got up and sat next to Keith who was quiet as usual,when he noticed me,he smiled a little which i returned, and together we watched others  talk rather than talking ourselves. .
    After lunch,i quickly grabbed Shirley's arm dragging her out,muttering a quick 'bye guys' to Mark and his friends.
    "Oh my gosh,we just had lunch with the quadruplets",Shirley said fangirling already.
    "I wish we didn't, cause now everyone's gonna be talking about it and us",i said washing my hands since we were in the bathroom.
.  "i know right,were gonna be famous", Shirley said dreamingly.
    "You know how much i hate attention",i said groaning.
   Just then a group of girls walked in,they stopped talking once they saw us, they shot us dirty looks and began talking among themselves but i Still heard.

   "Isn't she the one who spoke to them"

   "They aren't even pretty"
     "They got them to talk and say their names, Jasmine only got fakes"

      "They should just stay away from them,they are way below their level".

    With that they left.. I shot Shirley a look that said: you see...
She just rolled her eyes and mouthed 'jealous'to me,i just laughed.
     When we stepped outside,we saw that there was a huge commotion in the hall way..
    Apparently Sasha Gates was back in school..
    They were rumours like
  *she had plastic surgery and she was recovering so she couldn't come yesterday*
  *she went to Hawaii for vacation,so she couldn't come*
    *i heard she was pregnant and had to abort the baby*
  The last one was actually funny,the only believable one was the second..
   I know you are wondering who Sasha Gates is?,
   She's the Queen Bitch of the school,the main slut,the cheerleading captain,and the most popular girl in school.

  "Sasha's back? Oh no",Shirley wailed
    "Guess so,let the drama begin",i said faking excitement.
   "The quadruplets are gonna be on her list of preys", Shirley said sadly. I actually felt bad for them,Sasha's a real nut case.
   "I'm back!!!",a loud shrieking voice echoed through the hall ways..
   Talk about dramatic😒

"Hey Sasha",One cheerleader walked up to her smiling,acting totally kiss ass.
   "Carly,right?",Sasha asked picking at her nails acting bored.
   "Y yes,we missed you at cheerleading practice yesterday",Carly said.
  "You guys practiced without me?",Sasha asked getting mad.
   "N--no,i mean y-yes,but we..",Carly said stuttering, i felt bad for her but actually she brought it on herself..ass kissing.

   "That's enough,call an emergency cheer meeting at the gym after school closes", Carly seemed stunned but nodded nonetheless..
   I realised that if i stood there much longer, i would be late for math class.
   I grabbed Shirley's arm and pulled her to class since we had math together.
   We got to class with only 2 minutes to spare,we found a sit close to the window..a minute later Alex walked in and sat beside us,specifically beside me,just before minutes the teacher came in,Sasha walked in,sashaying to sit with her cliché,they began talking,stealing glances at us,specifically Alex,i'm sure they were filling her in on what's been going on.
    Suddenly she got up and walked towards our table, without even acknowledging Shirley and i,she leans on Alex's table exposing her boobs,then she purred,she literally purred like a cat.

    "Hey Alex", she said drawing a finger across his chest seductively,i looked over at Alex,who just looked unimpressed and bored..
   "Do i know you?",Alex asked clearly annoyed.

   "Uh,i know you wouldn't cause your new and all,but i'm Sasha Gates",she said smiling.
     "Ok Sasha,do you know the meaning of personal space?,cause you're kindah invading mine right now".he said pushing her hands off his chest sharply..
    I let out a low chuckle at Sasha's face,they seemed to hear it,cause Sasha shot me a glare,while Alex smirked at me amused..
    Sasha left after trying to get Alex to talk to her but he ignored her. As the teacher began teaching,i felt someone poke me in my side, but thankfully not on my wounds. I turned to face Alex the culprit, my irritation sipping in slowly.
     "Who was she?", he asked clearly talking about Sasha,now that i'm closer to him,you can hear the British accent oozing with every word he utters. Seriously, what's with the British accent lately..
      "Oh,that was Sasha,Queen Bitch and head cheerleader",i mumbled,but he heard me cause he nodded his head in understanding..
    "Heads up,you're on her list of preys",I said half joking..
   He actually looked scared for a while,but mostly disturbed, i just giggled at his facial expression..

   "You have a cute laugh",he said looking me in the eye,i could get lost in his green blue eyes.
   I was taken aback by his statement but i still held my neutral expression even though i was freaking out inside.

    "Thanks",i muttered looking away from his gaze,i felt his body vibrate with laughter..
    Oh me...

   Sasha Gates is back babies.

Alex is sooo gosh😍🙊
  Hey guys please comment and vote below,
   Love y'all💜😍😘


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