Chapter 8

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(A/n: Now before I start with this chapter...a certain somebody reading this told me that I have a bunch of mistakes on this. I KNOW I HAVE MISTAKES! I can't type that well on a computer or my phone! I will edit the chapters when I have the time. I realize my grammar sucks which is due to the fact I dont pay attention in school. Anyway just give me credit for trying my best and I'll learn from my mistakes. Including me. Anyways on to chapter 8!)

BEN's pov:

I woke up next to (Y/n). She was sound asleep and I was securly wrapped up in her wings. Her wings had stayed black for some odd reason. I tried to wriggle out of her grip and surprisingly succeeded. I looked at her alarm clock and noticed it was about 6:00 in the morning. 5:59 to be exact. Her alarm was about to go off. I grabbed the earplugs I kept with me for when im near her alarm. As soon as I got them in music blared through the whole mansion. (Song above again.) Many growls echoed through the mansion as (Y/n) rose up and smiled. She giggled slightly when she heard the growls and turned off her alarm clock. Everyone had disabled their own alarms thanks to hers. Even slendy.

Slendys pov:

(Y/n)s alarm clock blared every day at 6 in the morning. I rose up from my desk due to the fact I had to sleep there cause Jeff and Jane had gotten into a fight again. I finally broke up the fight at about 4 in the morning so I just slept on my desk. I walked downstairs and started making breakfast.

(Y/n) flew down the stairs as soon as I started up the stove. Ben was lazily trudging behind her just now taking his earplugs out. He begged me to buy those for him. It was quite funny.


BEN flew into my office around 6 in the morning covering his ears while  (Y/n)s alarm was ringing through the mansion loudly. It finally stopped and I heard the daily growls and groans due to her music. In a desperate tone he fell on the floor saying, "PLEASE SLENDER GET ME SOMETHING TO BLOCK OUT THAT LOUD MUSIC! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I CAN TAKE IT! MY ROOM IS RIGHT NEXT TO HERS AND IT'S KILLING ME! PLEASE!"
I watched the elf sit there yelling and begging for something to block out the music.

"No," I said simply just to see his reaction.


I chuckled and handed him some earplugs that should help.


He flew out of my office smiling like an idiot. I shook my head and went back to my work.

*end of flashback*

I chuckled at the memory and (Y/n) looked up at me with a confused look.

"Watcha laughin at slendy?"

I shook my head and went back to cooking.

(Y/n)s pov:

I sat down at the table and flapped my wings in excitement for food. I had to go see Shane and Jake today before they killed me. I wasn't worried about my hair, eyes, and wings because they knew. They just didn't know I was the queen of hell. I'm so gonna enjoy seeing the looks on their faces when i tell them!

The rest of the pastas walked down the stairs. The first to talk to me was Jeff.

"So...queen of hell? What's all that about?"

Damnit...i knew that question was coming.

"Well I was born to a demon and well. The old queen of hell died and they were looking for a new queen. Everybody but me wanted to be queen. Zalgo was the one who was supposed to choose the next queen. He came to my place last. He looked at me weirdly and told me to demonstrate my powers. The flames and ice I use engulfed me and created a strong blast that broke almost every stone pillar in the area. He drug me to his mansion and showed the people there what I could do. I just walked away cause I did NOT wanna be the queen. They looked shocked at me. Like I said. Every girl there wanted to be queen. This isnt even my true form. I'll show that later. In the end they made me queen. I ran after about a week from hell and ended up in slenders forest. He found me and saved me. I was cut from top to bottom thanks to me running. He allowed me to go to a home. The parents their died about a week after I got there and from then on my step brother Jace watched me. I went to school until the day ben came. Zalgo found me and you all know from there!"

Everyone stared at me with shock evident in their faces.

"What is your true form," EJ asked out of the blue.

I giggled and changed into my true form. My skin was pure black while my eyes looked similar to hoodies only larger. My mouth was glowing red. My wings were much larger and now were covered in scales and ice at the tips. I smiled shyly at everyone as they stared in awe.

I heard a squeal come from somewhere. I curled up in my wings laughing when i saw who it was. It was Jeff. Jeff the killer squealed. Even slendy was laughing. Sally ran downstairs to get food. She spent her mornings dancing to my music on my phone that I kept in my room of a morning. She ran downstairs cause of all the laughter. Once she reached the dining room she stared in awe at me. I looked behind me and as soon as she saw the full me her smile wouldn't go away. She ran around me inspecting me and my wings. "Can I touch them," she asked out of the blue.

I nodded smiling happily as she kept petting my wings carefully avoiding the ice on the tips. I folded up my wings and began to eat along with everyone. After I finished up I washed off my plate and ran to the door. Ben looked up from his games in the living room.

"Where ya goin?"

"To see a couple of old friends."

He jumped up and stood behind me.

"I'm coming too," he said in a both scared and jealous tone.

I smirked and nodded, walking out the door with ben. I quickly put my wings away and changed into my human form. My skin turned pale once again and my eyes turned a dull red once again. My hair was almost touching the ground. It was about ankle length. I skipped through the forest with ben following close behind me. I reached the place they said they would meet me. I knocked on the door and Shane opened it. He looked like he hadnt been sleeping so naturally I was worried. He grinned tiredly and hugged me, almost squeezing the life out of me. He sobbed and I realized he was crying. Jake came to the door after hearing that and his eyes went wide. He hugged me as well. They were both crying. I chuckled and walked inside. Ben was on my heels the whole time. They stopped and looked up at me. Then they looked behind me. They screamed and ran to their room dragging me with them.

"What the hell guys!"


"I knew."

Their faces were priceless. I laughed as ben phased through the door and stood behind me once again. He smiled at me and glared at the two in front of me.

"Mine," ben said and grabbed my hand.

My face flushed almost a million shades of red. I subconsciously brought out one of my wings to cover my face. Jake and Shane stood there wide eyed at how big my wing was and the new color. Ben smirked at me while blushing. I giggled and looked at them. I explained everything exept the pastas to them. (Way to lazy to retype that!) They stared at me and smiled. Jake piped up.

"So then who is that next to you?"

"This is ben. Hes...a friend."

They nodded. We spent the rest of the day laughing. Ben never let go of my hand. As we were walking back to the mansion he finally let go of my hand. I looked at him with a confused look. He laughed nervously.

"What was the whole grabbing my hand thing?"

His face flushed a deep red. After about a minute he spoke up.

" you. A lot...I think...I-I love you..."

His face was a thousand shades of red and he looked away. I giggled and looked at him. He looked up and kissed me. I melted into the kiss. He pulled back and smiled at me with a wide grin. I spoke after about 5 minutes.

"Good thing I like you too," I chuckled.

He smiled wide at me. We sat near a tree to rest for a few minutes. He layed his head on my lap and drifted off to sleep with my wing around him. I picked him up and flew to the mansion. I flew up the stairs into my room and layed on my bed wrapping my wings securely around the little elf in my arms. I slowly drifted off to sleep. One small thought crossed my mind before I drifted off. 'I guess not all glitches are bad.' I fell asleep with the little elf snuggled in my arms.

HEY! This will probably be the longest chapter in my book. I had a shit ton of ideas so I kept writing. And the last thought is referring to the fact that ben was supposed to be a glitch in the games. Thank you for the 76 reads! Hope you enjoyed this and I will see the next chapter! BUHBAI!

A Glitched Love (BEN Drowned X Reader)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now