Chapter 15

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(A/n: Hey guys! I now have 322 reads on this story....I cant tell you how happy that makes me...anyway I hope that soon I can get all of you to support this story! Please leave any question, comments, or concerns in the comment section or you may message me privately! Anyways on with chapter 15!!!)

Y/n's pov:

..........getting to the mansion i saw.........

I saw the whole mansion covered in glitter and...and cake batter? I sped up while the rest of the pastas ran to behind me almost out of breath. Sally and smile were sitting in the middle of all of this. When I got to the mansion Sally was giggling while smile was licking the batter off of her face.

"What happened?!"

"Slendy said we could make a cake!"

I sighed and picked her up while she giggled. I cleaned her up inside of the mansion and went to have a talk with slendy.

"Slendyy!! You may wanna clean up the mansion!"

When we walked into the kitchen, Slendy seemed to have a very annoyed look as he was the one that was literally covered head to toe in the cake batter. I laughed as smile ran past us and continued eating the cake batter and eventually found his way to the batter covered slenderman. How all of the batter got onto the outside of the mansion, and let alone how theres this much, I'll never know. In a few hours all of us had the mansion spotless. Slender thanked us for the help and went back to his office. We started walking back to my place with Ben walking next to me. Jeff bolted ahead of me thinking he could beat me to my cabin. Oh hell no! My wings spread out as i flew forward past Jeff. He growled and tried to run faster, but no. He tripped over a large root and flew face first into a rock. The impact knocked him out, So i had to carry him the rest of the way to the cabin. Looking at him while he was knocked out was...unsettling to say the least. When you're carrying someone with an everlasting smile and forever open eyes that look like they're constantly staring at you? No. I wanted to get someone else to carry him but he was surprisingly heavy. As we were walking toward the mansion, there was a noise that was coming from the nearby bushes. I used my wings to shield everyone from any oncoming attacks. A large creature stepped out of the bush with large eyes. It looked like a deer in headlights, but far from afraid. It crept towards us with a very concentrated look. The creature and me looked like we were having a staring contest, both waiting for the other to make one careless flaw in either of our movements. The creature lunged forward trying to catch me off guard. My wing flew sideways, flinging a dozen or so sharp feathers the creatures way. All but one hit the creature. It ran off into the forest quickly. Pulling my wings back to their normal state, we all start off back towards the cabin. "Do you have any idea what that was," EJ asked with a tone of shock evident within his voice. "Nope!"

"Of course you don't," EJ looked at me with what looked like annoyance. "That was The Rake. It's always running around in the forest to catch any people that stray too far from slenders part of the woods. You could've gotten seriously injured!"

"I was fine as you could see! I was even carrying Jeff through it all!"

EJ just sighed and continued forward. A few minutes of silence passed as we made our way towards the cabin. After about 10 minutes, we all reached the cabin with no more surprises or interruptions. We all went inside and I placed Jeff down on the couch. Looking at the time, I noticed it was almost lunch time. I went into the kitchen to make food for everyone else.

Bens pov:

I peered around the corner to see what (Y/n) was doing. She was making food. I was shocked she didnt notice me yet, so i just continued to watch her. She started to fill a pot with water, so i ran back into the room we shared.

~time skip brought to you by Bens ears~

(Y/n) called everyone into the kitchen for the food. She smiled at me and everyone else as we entered the room and put plates of food in front of all of us. Jeff still wasnt awake, and from what i could see (Y/n) was becoming increasingly more worried for the smiling killer. After about an hour we all finished our food and (Y/n) went to go wash the dishes. As always I ran for the safety of the room. Water is NOT my strong suit. She finished and came to sit in the room with me. It was odd though..she came in quietly, not like her usual energetic self.

She crawled onto her side of the bed and layed there. I crawled over and sat next to her, rubbing my hands in small circle motions over her back. She felt so..tense. Something happened, and I couldnt put my finger on it to save my games. (I'd say life but we all know that's something he sadly doesnt have, but video games are a very close second). "What's the matter (Y/n)? What happened?"


I got no response for a whole minute.

"'m going back home...for...for a while...I'm sorry not welcome here anymore...."


Hello lovely readers~! I know I know cliffhangers suck! But im getting a laptop soon! So I'll be able to update WAY more often! I saw how many reads I had today on this book and my heart absolutely swelled. I was so happy I just had to finish this chapter! I've had writer's block since before I wrote that A/n on this story but I made it up as I went. I think it's okay, but j usually have a small idea of what I'm gonna do before I start a chapter but I went in completely blind on this one, and I think it worked out. Dont worry you'll find out more soon enough! As always I'll see you...IN the next chapter! BUHBAI!

A Glitched Love (BEN Drowned X Reader)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now