Chapter 2

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Time Skip to January 22nd, 2021

John's P.O.V

Of course, it is only the second day into Alexander's first term as President and he is already sick from the inauguration.  January weather is always unpredictable, but the gods just had to send down rain and snow and below freezing temperatures during Alexander's 3 and a half hour inauguration.   In which Alexander was only wearing a suit and an overcoat.

The speech was over 6 hours long before Washington and I got ahold of it and forced Hamilton to sit down and cut at least half of it out.  Basically, all of the news reporters were expecting Alexander to have a very long inauguration speech, and no one was really surprised when it exceeded the 1 hour and 45-minute speech given by President William Harrison in 1841.  

Since they are both President Harrisons, Hercules was continuously making jokes about it. 

However, the previous President Harrison died of pneumonia a month after his speech because it was so cold.  Which now left me babysitting the 46th President of the United States of America to keep him from overworking himself and getting even worse than he is now.  Alex had a bad cold and a fever from the weather.  

All meetings Alexander has gone to were short, and if he even starts coughing for more than a few seconds, Jefferson has the job of dragging him out of the room and taking notes for the President until further notice.  The rest of the people in the various meetings usually understood, but others were just annoyed with Alexander.

Or just annoyed with Alexander in general.

I was currently half laying on top of Alexander in our new bed in the White House to keep the other from getting up and going to work on his laptop.  Jefferson had just come back from a meeting earlier and was with Madison over in their room, which is also where Alexander's laptop was.  Technically, Thomas and James lived in the Number One Observatory Circle house in DC, but Alex just gave them a room for convenience. 

"John~" Alexander whined, making me turn my head from my position on top of him.  I raised my head up a bit and turned to look at my sleepy husband who looked quite miserable.  I let out a light laugh, kissing Alexander's forehead, frowning at the fact that he still had a fever.

"Do you need anything?" I asked softly, looking over at the clock to double check if I could give Alex his next set of meds.

"Have you heard anything from Herc or Laf?" Alex asked softly, groaning as I rolled off of him to get his meds

"Not really, they were finishing unpacking in their new apartment last I checked.  You wanna text them?" I asked.

"Sure, pass me my phone," Alex said, putting his hand out from the pile of comforters around him.

"Meds first," I said, passing him a water bottle and two pills, making Alex groan before shoving his hand out of the mound of comforters.  After a few seconds, Alex grumbled, handing me back the water bottle, turning on his side to face me with pleading eyes.

I sighed, handing the overactive President his phone before I climbed back into our bed, this time laying next to Alex before pulling him on top of me, clasping my hands over his stomach and looking over at his phone.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked softly as he sent a text to Laf and Herc.  

"Making sure you don't go on Twitter," I said with a yawn, Alexander halfheartedly sending a glare my way before sending me a concerned look.

"John, I understand that I have been sick the last two days, but have you actually slept?" I sighed, "I'm pretty sure that is the question that I am supposed to be asking you," I groaned at Alex because no, I have not slept in the last three days.  Between all the stress of his inauguration and making sure he gets better as soon as possible, I hadn't had time to sleep.

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