Chapter 5

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Normal P.O.V

It was late December when Alexander was about to settle into bed, with an already half asleep John, when his phone went off.  Alex sighed but grabbed his cell anyways, seeing that it was Eliza calling, he answered.

"Hey 'Liza what's up-"

"Alexander," oh no Alex thought, her voice did not sound good.  "It's.... It's..  Oh god, Its Mariana, is there any way you can get to New York?" Alexander straightened up, hitting John, who was about to yell at his husband, but that was before he saw the extremely worried expression riddled across the other's face.

"No, No, 'Liza, please tell me what happened." Hamilton nearly begged, fearing the worst as John leaned up and started rubbing the other's back.  

"Alexander, I am so sorry,"

"Eliza," The person in question started sobbing on the other end of the phone.

"Mariana was in a cab home early tonight.... and... Oh God..... and they were hit by a drunk driver, she and a...... and a friend were in the cab." Alexander sucked in a breath, she's still alive right, she has to be. Alexander's thoughts were running wild at the moment, and he couldn't seem to get a handle on it.

"I really want to tell you in person, but ....... but" Eliza sucked in a shaky breath before whispering, "all three of them died on impact." Alexander didn't comprehend anything he heard after that, all he knew was that he dropped his phone in his lap and John was crying.

Mariana was dead.

One of his best friends.

Someone he nearly saw as a sister.

Phillip's mother.

Was dead.

It didn't take long for Jefferson and Madison to hear the duo crying from down the hall and to come and see what was up, and after continuing the call on the dropped phone in Alex's lap they soon realized why and joined the couple on the bed, trying to comfort them.  They were good friends with Mariana, but never as close with the woman as they were.

It didn't take long for Alex to calm himself down, turning to Jefferson who, in this time, had been comforting and rubbing his back in the process.  The President quickly wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeves, quickly thanking Thomas before trying to comfort John, who was still bawling into James' shirt, the other also watery eyed.  

"We," Alex paused, wiping his eyes again, "We have to get to New York, Thomas?" The one in question hummed in acknowledgment from behind Alexander on the bed, "Can you call Laf and Herc, please. I uh, I gotta straighten out my affairs before we go." 

"Of course," Thomas said somberly before slipping off the bed, Alexander taking over John so that James could follow out as well.


"I'm sorry," John sniffled. 

"Hey, hey, this isn't your fault," Alex mumbled as he pulled his husband into a tight hug.  "This is no one's fault but that driver's. Which is why we have to go back for the funeral and........ and uh, just, sort this out."




Time skip to the next day, in New York.

Alexander's P.O.V

The moment I had walked into Eliza's apartment this morning I had been engulfed in a hug from Eliza and my son.  When I saw the duo they had both been crying, and I haven't figured out yet if it was good or bad that Phillip was old enough to understand what had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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