Chapter 3

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Alexander's P.O.V

I was practically running through the White House after just getting out of another meeting in the Oval Office that lasted way too long. Eliza should have dropped Phillip off by now and I really just wanted to go upstairs and see my son.

Phillip is nearly 6, just two months away, and because Eliza and Maria still live in New York with Mariana, they have decided that every now and then Phillip will come down to DC and spend some time with me. Next month I have a lot of trips scheduled, so I will not be able to watch the boy then, meaning I have a month with him before I need to drive him back up to NYC to be with his mothers.

I ran up the stairs and down to the hallway where my room is located, quickly throwing my jacket and tie on my bed, and discarding my shoes on the floor before making my way over to the living area where I would hear Eliza and John speaking.

"Hey, buddy!" I practically yelled as I turned the corner, Phillip jumping up from his position on the couch and running over to me yelling "Papa!!" I kneeled down, opening my arms for the boy, welcoming him into my embrace.

"You want to go check out your room?" I asked, Phillip quickly nodding, pulling back from my embrace and grabbing my hand, pulling me down the hallway.

"Why don't you have Daddy come with us since he was the one who set it up?" I suggested. I have been so busy the past few weeks that John had taken the initiative to design the room and set everything up. There was already a bed and furniture, but John got Phillip his bean-bag chair, an extra bookcase for his books, and picked out the navy blue comforter set.

"Yeah! Daddy, can you come?"

"Of course," John replied, excusing himself from Eliza and following behind them. Phillip raced into his room, checking it out, starting to rant about how 'big' and 'cool' it looked compared to his room back in New York, and even mentioned about being happy about not having to share it again. Of course, I know Phillip knew that with as many siblings as he had in his first life that there was no way they would all have their own rooms, but he was still excited.

I looked at Phillip as he bounced around the room. It was sometimes hard to believe that Phillip currently had the mental capacity and the memories of that of his 13-year-old self from back in the 1700s. He still acted like a child, however, when I had gotten my memories back early, I still somehow acted like a child, even though I could properly process what was happening around me, unlike other children.

I loved Phillip to death, and I was excited that he was happy for his new school in Virginia to start up soon. He was only staying with us for the month, but it as still during the school year. When I had broached the subject to my son he liked the idea of going to two separate schools, saying that it was a cool opportunity.

"Thank John," I said, giving a quick kiss to my husband as I eyed the bookcase that I had said I was going to build but never did.

"You know I wasn't going to let you build that thing yourself even if you had the time. That would have been a disaster, we don't want a repeat of the chair."

"That was not my fault, the instructions were not specific at all!" I defended quickly as John just gave me a look.

"You have two legs on the wrong side of the seat, I still don't even understand how you were able to even get that there. A bookcase seemed like a step up in complexity, so there was no way I was letting you near the tools again."


"The chair!" John just shouted back, as I sighed in defeat. I had screwed that chair up big time.

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