A b s u r d I d e a s

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    "Mom" I said, trying to be heard over the loud clutter if breakfast. "I'm trying to tell you something"

    She waved a distracted hand.     "Michelle you have to finish your toast! Here honey, open your mouth, just one more bite.."

    My sister stubbornly refused to open her mouth. "I don't like toast. I want cereal!" she whined.

    My mother looked at the ceiling in a quick prayer.

    "But just yesterday you refused to eat your cereal!" she cried, exasperated.

    "That was yesterday! Its different now" she said, just as irritated as her mother.

     Mom gave her a stern look. "If you don't finish your toast Michelle, I won't take you to the park today."

   Michelle's eyes widened and she took a nibble of her toast hesitantly.

   "Fine" she mumbled.

Mom looked at he triumphantly and winked. "What were trying to tell me earlier?" she asked.

   "I was wondering if I could go to Central Park today at noon?" I said hesitantly.

   "Alone?" she asked confused. "Why?"

"No. Not alone. With a friend" I said hurriedly.

   My mom perked up.

" A friend?" she asked in disbelief.

    "Yeah a friend." I grinned.

  She clapped her hands in excitement.

      "Oh I just knew your classmates would come to their senses! They all love you!"

    "Mom. Its just one friend"

"Its a start! Do you want me to pack you some sandwiches? I'll make you some grilled cheese right now" she opened the fridge.

   "Okay mom you do that" I said,smiling at her enthusiasm.

   At noon, my mom handed me a wicker basket and waved happily as I walked down the street to Central Park.

   The park was one of the town's proudest accomplishments.

   Trees towered high above the ground, and flowers blossomed in all colors. Soft leaves littered the ground, making each step bounce, and birds sang to each other, soaring through the sapphire skies.

   I sat at a bench near the front waiting for Austin, wondering what other impossible feats he wanted to do.

    I finally saw him walking around the bushes, searching for me.

   I called out his name, and he found me. He walked over and beamed.

   "Okay. Thank God you came." he greeted.

  "Hey to you too" I said. .

"No time for polite conversation. Tess you have to complete the bucket list with me. Ill give you some time to convince your mom so you can come to Australia with us, but meanwhile we have to get started on the other stuff." he said in a rush.

   I looked at him in awe. "Are you crazy?" I yelled at him. "Theres absolutely no way I'm going to Australia. And there is also no way I'm going to do a triathlon. That's way too much work for me" I said crossing my arms.

    He looked at me pleadingly. "Please?"

       "No" I said firmly. "This whole idea is totally absurd."

    "Its a little far fetched" he admitted. "But, why not? I need to do do this Tess. For her."

     "Okay. That's very inspiring and all, but I don't get why you're dragging me into this. Why don't you just do everything? Why me? And dont say its because we are history project partners. That's not a valid reason."

     He considered my words for a second, tilting his head.

    Then he said, "Because you're my only friend here"

   I blushed a little.

      "So?" I demanded. "What does that matter?"

    "I need someone to do this with me. Someone who will be there for me." he said.

    "Your dad.." I said.

           He grimaced. "My dad...he is the all work no fun type of dad. He won't object to me doing this, but he won't necessarily approve."

    Noticing my set expression, he finally got down on one knee and clasped his hands.

   "Please. Please. Please. Please..." he begged.

     Onlookers looked at us amused, and I shifted in the bench awkwardly.

    "Austin" I hissed. " What are you doing?"

    "Please. Please. Please..."

I put my head in my hands in frustration, and gave up.

     "Fine." I muttered.

He looked at me and cupped his ears. "What? I didn't hear that."

    I rolled my eyes. "Fine" I said, a little louder.

   Austin jumped up in the air, whooping.

I smiled and grabbed the wicker basket to hand him a sandwich.

      "Courtesy of my mom" I explained.

He grabbed one and took a bite, closing his eyes.

  "Delicious" he said.

  We sat back to back on the freshly mowed grass, slowly piecing together our crazy plan.

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