Lindel - take me to the sky 🕊

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(FemReader x Lindel 🕊
.Short Fluff Piece.
Lindel proposes to you, asking you to live with him in the skies... dragon realm.)

Lindel was quiet a solitary man having but, a few friends and of course his beloved dragons. I though was lucky enough to be called one of his dearest friends. I lived in a cozy cottage on the outskirts of town happy with my quiet life. I took care of my neighbors and special care for my familiar, a dragon given to me originally as a companion to watch over me while he was away. Lindel was always serious when it came to my happiness. Something I admired so much about him.

Today felt like any other. I was doing laundry hanging up my damp clothes outside while Mary my familiar played out by the pond. I chuckled watching her as she splash around with no rhythm to her movements. Well she was still young after all. I went about my daily chores thinking of what I should make for supper tonight when out of the blue I heard the sounds of wings flapping which could only mean...

"Lin." I breathed out quiet happily as I turned around to see his form hop down from his dragon.

Dropping a dress back in my woven basket I walked up to his form smiling as he brought me into a hug.

"Hello beautiful." His calm voice spoke giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

It was a nickname which always had me a blushing mess. He gave it to me one day as we lied in a field of flowers and I asked him which was the most beautiful. Of he joked saying that it had been me and so it kind of stuck. Not that I'm complaining.

"You're late." I joked looking up at the blonde man. His sky blue eyes held mischiefs as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry but, I'm here now and look," he stepped away to take something out of his coat. It was a new crown made from branches I had asked him to make for Mary a few weeks ago. She was so upset when she had accidentally broke her last one.

"Oh thank you! It's lovely!" I smiled in gratitude as I took his hand in mind, "here you should give it to her!" I pulled him over to the happy dragon who pounced on Lindel as soon as she saw him. Thank goodness she was about the size of a cat.

"Lindel! You're baaaaccckkk!" She yelled happily right in his face.

He only laughed giving her a pat on the head before setting her down, "Yes I am and I brought something for you."

Her eyes widened in wonder, "You did? What is it?"

"Patience," he chuckled, "close your eyes."

Mary did as she was told and he set the beautiful woven crown atop of her little head.

"And... open."

I smiled as I watch her jump about in happiness.

"Is it a new crown? Oh thank you thank you! I must show our neighbors!" She happily ran off back to the fairies playing by the pond.

I turned to him, "why don't you help me make supper." It was more of a statement then a question. After all... I wanted him to stay as long as possible.

We both laughed wholeheartedly as we told each other stories of when we were apart.

"And then! She chased me out of her store with a broom! All because I wouldn't marry her son! For god sake that man is a boar. I fear for the lady that takes his hand." I shake my head with a sigh.

"Would you ever want to?" He asked.

"Want to what?" I tilted my head at his mysterious question.


I looked down at my hands with a blush covering my cheeks, "Of course I would like too... I'm just waiting for the right one to ask me."

His gaze fell solemn, "So someone has caught your eyes then?"

I couldn't bear to look at him without looking like a cherry tomato. All I could do was nod my head with a quiet, "I suppose so."

What I didn't see was the jealousy in his eyes as his hands grew into fists, "And what is he like?"

I thought about it for a moment, 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to describe Lindel. After all I don't think he would guess himself.'

I picked up my spoon, picking at our homemade stew, "Well... He is tall. At least taller than me. He has the warmest smile and eyes that take you to the sky and sea. He's so kind to me that sometimes I feel like I'm in the clouds. He's funny too, especially around his close friends and I suppose he's kind of-"

"He's kind of like... Me?" He cut me off.

My eyes widened as I looked up at his now smiling form, my face must have been redder than strawberries on a summers day but, I couldn't look away from him.

"Ah.. I-... I.." I ended up stuttering over my words and decided hiding my face in my hands would solve all my problems.

I heard his seat scorn backwards as he got up, his footsteps sounding closer to where I was currently 'hiding.'

"Can you please look at me?" His voice was soft and kind so I couldn't help but, look at him only to see his hand extended to my form.

I gently placed my palm in his and he stood me up in front of him. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and he gazed back into mine.

"I love you." He started to say, "I love you so much. You've been by my side since I can remember and your the only person in my life I couldn't bear losing. I feel like you feel the same way as I do so I'm going say this..."

I stared at him waiting as he spoke the words I most definitely had been dreaming of hearing since as long as I could remember.

"Will you marry me?" He voice was so sincere and filled with love that I started to cry.

And he started to panic.

"Oh my maker. Are you okay? Did I say something wrong? You can say n-"

I shook my head laughing as I wiped my face with the sleeve of my sweater.

"I'm okay, these are just happy tears." I smiled brightly as I looked at the love of my life, "yes. Yes, of course I will marry you."

And with that he kissed me. Our very first kiss and most definitely not our last. It was filled with so much love and passion I knew what we had was real.

We broke away after a bit both our faces flushed with pink.

"So does that mean you'll come live with me?" He asked nervously.

"I'd love that more than anything." I gave him a warm smile before we heard some commotion coming from my room.

And out popped Mary, dragging a suitcase by her teeth with as much strength as she could muster. Lindel and I looked at each other amusingly as we watched the little dragon. She finally set the suitcase in front of us before jumping on top of it with a happy look.

"I'm all packed and ready!" Her little dragon tail wagged as she looked at us expectantly.

"I guess tonight is as good as any. Let's get packing." I laughed with a smile as the three of us with the help of our neighbors used magic and love to move to my new home.

A home that was better than anything I could ask for because I had my little Mary and my Lindel.

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