Lindel - one sided(2)🕊

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I've been receiving a few asks to write a part two for One Sided and I hope you all enjoy! I wanted to make this a fluff and have growth in the character instead of more angst.
(Fem reader x Lindel🕊
Sometimes you find love in a place you weren't even looking for.)

You know of that moment when you feel as though you're dreaming? You assume that if you pinch yourself you would wake up and come back to reality? Well... It's not always so simple.

"Listen to me. You must calm down or your powers will be too much."

"I should of said something sooner. Fairies above I'm so stupid. I gave up years of pinning over him without saying anything hoping that  he would one day confess he loved me too. I spent all of my power to make him happy and now... Now I don't even know why I did it."

"Because you did love him and there is nothing wrong with that but, it's time to let go."

"I know..."

I could feel the grass beneath my feet decay as I twisted about through the trees. I had to get away. A little bit further into the woods just to get away. I needed time to breathe and somehow move on.

Shia used some of her magic on me to relax my growing nerves, "Breathe..."

I collapsed to the ground with a tired laugh as I tried to understand my new reality, "What am I going to do now Shia? This is embarrassing."

She crouched in front of me setting both of her hands on my shoulders, "We can go stay with Lindel for a few days. He is your best friend after all."

"I know that." A small laugh escaped me, "Do you think he'll mind though? Usually I send a letter ahead of time. This would be so unexpected."

"I don't think he'll mind at all besides we wouldn't need to take anything. I'll send word when we've settled that we're safe and only if you're ready, we shall come back." She reasoned with me looking into my eyes as she spoke nothing but, the truth.

"Okay... I'm sure they will understand that I need some time for myself." I agreed grabbing her hands within mine, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." She nodded getting up to find a safe clearing to transform.

"Wait!" Elias called out my name.

"We should leave now before the sun sets."

"I need to go Elias. This isn't your fault but..." I took a breath, "I just need time to get my feelings straight. I know I should have said something sooner and maybe this wouldn't have been such a shock. I understand your feelings towards me now and I don't want to ruin what we have left."

He nodded and stopped trying to walk towards me, "You'll come back right? You're still our family."

I nodded turning away hearing him say, "I just need time. I'm sorry."

"Where are you going?"

"To Lindel's." I walked to Shia, hopping onto her back the moment she turned.

She was still by far the most beautiful dragon I had ever seen with lavender scales to go with my amethyst eyes and her red fiery ruby eyes to match my magic.

"Say goodbye to everyone for me." I whispered before I was lifted off into the air.

We left our home and it hadn't really crossed my mind how worried they might be seeing us disappear into the sky but, they'll receive word from us soon once we make it to Lindel's home to hopefully ease them.

It was quiet when we arrived, the night surrounding us in a cold welcome. I could see the gold hues coming from the small home and walked towards it knowing it held a warmth inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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