🌹Chapter 3🌹

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(A/N: This part now takes place 5 minutes after Sam leaves XD)

Lotor adjusted his suite as he walked up to Pidge's porch.

He knocked on the door and waited.

From inside, Pidge was sitting on a chair and read her book.

Once she heard the knock, she closed the book and walked to the door. She looked through the peep hole to see....Lotor.

She groaned and opened the door. "What is it this time Lotor?" She retorted.

Lotor steps inside.

"Well you see Pidge," he says as he steps into her house. "You may deny me now, but what about in the future?" He asks.

"I beg your pardon?" Pidge asks.

"Well Pidge think of it, Me just sitting here, with you as my little wife beside me, and our dogs!"

"Dogs?" Pidge asks while putting her book on the shelf.

"Did I say dogs? I meant...." He held Pidge close, wrapping his arms around her. "Children."

Pidge gasped at the thought and wanted to lose it.

But instead....

She gets out of Lotor's grip and acts surprised. "Lotor, I'm surprised!"

Lotor looked at her very lustfully as he walks closer to her pining her to the door.

"But I'm afraid..." Pidge says as she puts her hand on the door knob.

"I can't marry you." She opens the door and moves as Lotor stumbles out of the house, falling to the ground.

Then Pidge closes the door.

Lotor got up. "I will get you to Marry me, Katie Holt..." He mutters under his breath.

Meanwhile, Pidge walks to the back to feed her farm aninals.

"Ugh! Can you just imagine? Me? The wife of this purple grape lotion?"

She fed them as she said...

"Madame Lotor, can't you just see it?" She said.

"Madame Lotor, his little wife, ugh!" She shuddered from the thought.

"No sir, not me, I guarantee it
I want much more than this provincial life."

Pidge ran to a nice feild with a hilltop view of the village...


I want adventure in the great wide somewhere.

I want it more than I can tell?
And for once it might be grand to have someone understand.

I want so much more than they've got planned....

Pidge looked at the view before her and sat down, thinking about everything....




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