🌹Chapter 11🌹

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The fireplace lit the master bedroom as Keith lied in bed with Pidge right beside him as she tried to clean and wrap his wounds.

Keith's purple bare chest was patched with bandages as Pidge tried to clean the scratches on his arm.

"Keith, Hold still..." She said as Keith kept moving his arm around.

Finally, Pidge managed to get his arm and placed a wet cloth on his scratches.

Keith let out a painful roar. "That hurts!" He yelled out.

"If you hold still it wouldn't hurt as much!" Pidge yelled back.

"Well you shouldn't have run away." Keith fired back.

"Well I wouldn't have run away if you hadn't frightened me." She countered attacked his statement.

The objects slowly walked in during their little argument.

"Well..." Keith thought. "You shouldn't have been in the west wing!" He finally said with a 'Ha beat that face'.

"Well you need to learn to control your temper!" Pidge shot back.

The objects let out a big 'Oof'. "She got you..." Lance says.

Keith and Pidge continued to look at each other until Pidge went back to cleaning his wounds.

"But aside from that.." She started. "I want to say Thank you, for saving my life..." She says.

Pidge places the cloth on his arm  and lighly dabs the wounds as Keith winces in pain.

"Um, You're welcome..." Keith says back as Pidhe wraps his arm with a bandage.

Once she was done, Pidge got up and made sure Keith was comfortable. She then planted a Kiss on his head.

"Goodnight, and thank you again..."
She said as she walked out the door.

Keith just lied there, trying to process what just happened. He just smiled as he began to fall asleep.

~The next day~

Pidge walked around the castle gardens in the snow with Rover.

From afar, Keith and Lance stood from the balcony watching her.

"Isn't she just a lovely girl?" Lamce asked.

"Indeed Lance. I mean, She's the only girl who actually cares, She's not afraid of me anymore and she's even wrapped my wounds." Keith said.

Lance nodded. "A kind soul she is." He said.

"You know..." Keith thought. "I should surprise her with something, as a Gift for all she's done for me... Ya know?" He said.

"Indeed Mullet Indeed." Lance says.

Keith didn't care if Lance called him Mullet at this point. "What should I give her though?" He asked.

Lance thought until he finally had an idea.

"I think I know what she would Love!" He said.

Lance hopped closer to Keith and whispered into his fluffy ears.

*Haven't written in a while + Typing rn = HYPER THUMBS!!!*


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