🌹Chapter 8🌹

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Pidge continued to cry until a knock was heard at her door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"It's Mr. Potts, but you can call me Hunk." A voice said on the other side of the door.

Pidge walked over to the door and opened it to see no one.

"Down here." Hunk said as he hopped on in.

Pidge gasps as she saw Hunk... As a Talking Teapot?

"You're.....Alive." She says as she backs up against the wardrobe.


"Oh yeah we're indeed Alive. I'm Allura." Some one says.

Pidgr turns to see the wardrobe talking. Poor girl was so confused.

"This is crazy...." Pidge whispered to herself.

"I thought you might want some tea." Hunk says pouring some tea in a tea cup.

The teacup hopped over to Pidge. "Thank you." She says as she began to drink her tea.

"Wanna see something crazy I can do?" The teacup asked.

Pidge looked at the teacup as he blew bubbles. "Names Matt by the way." He said.

Pidge smiled a bit as Hunk began to talk. "I know it's been hard, Losing your father and being forced to live here, But things will get better." He said.

(Hunk being the sweetheart he is X3)

"Well We gotta Run Hunk, We gotta set up for Dinner." Matt said as he hopped out the door with Hunk following.

Pidge stood as the Allura spoke. "We should probably start getting you ready for dinner." She says as she opens the doors. "Which Dress would you prefer?"

"I'm not going." Pidge said sadly.

"But you must!" Allura says as the door opens again.

"Mhm, Ma'am, Dinner is served." Shiro says walking in.

~MeanWhile With Keith~

Keith paced back and forth, walking around in a circle.

"Where is she?" He thought to himself.

"Don't stress over there, Keith, She'll be here." Hunk said.


"Nonsense Man! She'll be here and you gotta calm down." Hunk said. "Now Stand straight!"

Keith froze, then stood up straight with his eyes widened and calmed down.

Just then, the door opened.

Keith's face lit up and smiled as he waited for Pidge to walk in.

Then, Shiro walks in. "Hey there..."

Keith frowns. "Where is she?" He asked.

Shiro swallowed nervously. "Well Keith," he said calmly. "She's kind of still... Um...."

Then Shiro gives up and became honest. "She's not coming...."

Silence filled the room....

"WHAT?!" Keith roars.

He storms out of the dining room with the objects running after him as Keith runs up to Pidge's door.

Once he arrived, be begins to pound on the door "YOU AGREED TO COME DOWN!"

"I'm Not hungry!" Pidge yells from the other side of the door.

"Keith..." Lance says. "Calmly. Calmy knock on the door and ask politely."

Keith sighs as he knocks lightly. "You have to come down." He says calmly.

"A little more politely...." Shiro says.

"But she's being difficult." Keith says while gritting his teeth.

"Just do it." Shiro says.

Keith took a deep breath. "Would you like to come down for dinner? Please?"

"No." Pidge says.

Keith flails his arms around as a signal to say 'Ya see what I mean."

The objects had no words.

Keith sighs again. "Please?"

"No thanks."

"FINE!" Then he turns to the objects. "If she doesn't want to come down, THEN I GUESS SHE CAN JUST STARVE!!!" He yells.

Keith took off angrly into the west wing into a room.

"I asked nicely, I tried to be nice, What more does this girl want from me?! Does she want me to beg or something." He says.

he walks to a small table by a balcony which contained the cursed Rose, petals falling off.

By the rose laid a mirror. Keith grabs it.

"Show me the girl." He orders.

The mirror showed a vision of Pidge sitting on her bed with Allura by her side.

"Come on Pidge, Keith is actually kind of nice if you get to know him." Allura says.

"But I don't want to get to know him, I don't even want to see him or have anything to do with him." Pidge says obviously very upset.

Keith's expression went from a frowned face, to a 'I feel bad now' face.

Keith's face saddend as he heard those words, Knowing all he's done to upset her.

"It's all my fault." Keith says while sitting on a chair, facing the the rose by the balcony with moonlight shining on it, watching a petal fall.

"Who am I kidding? She'll never see me as anthing else, but a monster." He says to himself while setting the mirror on his lap.

"It's hopeless."



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